Tuesday, December 31, 2019

20191231- Into 2020!

Gen 9 :13-16 I have set my rainbow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.  Never gain will the waters become a flood to destroy life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth"

Photo : Taken in Nov 2019.  Holding the bowl of pond water beholding this rainbow in JB.

Awesome rainbow
Bidding 2019 goodbye, I suddenly remembered about the horrific Hong Kong protests, mob madness and wide spread destruction.
Knowing that we live in a sinful world is one thing.
Watching the reality of the throngs of Hongkongers in the streets marked with destruction is another.

Have I ever in this day dreamt that this would happen to Hong Kong? Never!

As I remembered Revelation 22:20 "Yes, I am coming soon" Amen. Come Lord Jesus.  Maranatha! Aramic word of our Lord has come.

Yes, this Dec once again reminded me of His Birth.  Advent.


So with the turmoil in this world, the raging fires in California and now in Australia, the quaking of the earth in intensity, perhaps indeed I am living in the TIME where I may perhaps witness His Second Coming..... If I am still around on this earth.

So beholding this rainbow reminded me of
  • His Faithfulness
  • His glory
  • His awesomeness
  • His promise
  • His love
Despite the woes & suffering I see around the world, at least there is this HOPE of a better place in the future prepared for those who Know Him.  

20191218-Nagano Shiga Kogen, DisneySea, Joypolis@Odaiba !

19/12/19 - 24/12/19 @ Shiga Kogen Ski (Ichinose ; Prince Hotel -South)

19/12/19 : Arrived Tokyo and transferred to Shinkasen train to Nagano directly. (about another 2-3 hours journey by train and bus to Resort)

Initially was disappointed with the lack of snow at Shiga Kogen! Was told that this winter was one of the worst snowfall :( Climate change! 

But thank God, on Day3 snow came and made the ski more pleasant!
Created Olaf!

God is so good and faithful. We missed the free shuttle bus from our Prince Hotel on the last day to Ichinose! So in the end we flagged down this bus driven by ROBERT , a ski instructor from Russia.  What an angel sent by the Lord. Kind man who helped us load up and down our skis stuff.  "Here in this winter place, we need to help one another. Because this is a mountainous place.  Survival" Well said by Robert and we learnt that the bus can be earlier but never late.  We saw the bus earlier but did not board thinking it should come in another scheduled few minutes.  How wrong we were!

Above at West Prince - ended playing with Snow! Happiness!

24/12/19 - Left for Toyko, Shinagawa.
25/12/19 - The kids picked Odaiba for visit.  
Never heard of Gundam! (We oldies only know Ultraman!)
So there stood that giantic robot!
The rest of the afternoon from 4pm was spent at Joypolis! It was great fun even for the adults - riding the Transformers (all the rotation made some sick afterwards !) and all the 3D rides.  Awesome!
And can you imagine we were stuck inside for 5 hours!! My specs almost fell out twice in the 360 degree G-storm ride - snow vehicle in snow!)

26/12/19 : Went to DisneySea in Maihama. About 1 hour train from Shinagawa.

For the first time in more than 20 years after visiting Disneyland Japan, thrill rides remained fun!  With P running to and fro catching the Fastpass and Lottery (First time knowing such a thing to "cut down' Q time)  Whatever, the ave wait time was still about an hour.

Enjoyed these rides
  • Toystory
  • 20000 under the sea
  • Aladdin flying carpet
  • Sinbad
  • Founder's ride
  • Raging fire ( And J managed to ride 3X via the single lane!!!)
  • Terror Tower
  • Mermaid show
  • Finale ending display of Fireworks!

So another ski gone.... J knees were not holding well this time.  Could it be our last ski for the rest of our lives?? Hmmm....

Always thankful to witness snow and snow fall and seeing the snow flake in that awesome shape never fail to awe me.  What an awesome Creator God!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

20191210_Beautiful Night Scene of Singapore @MBS - Bumboat Ride! Bicentennial Christmas at St Andrews Cathedral

10th Dec 2019 : View from our Bum Boat A MBS (laser Lights at 8PM)

Panaroma View at Suntec City 
 Panorama view at MBFC (Financial Centre)
 A glimpse at the Art Museum from the waters

Bird's eye view from the mouth of the Spore River

After the simple dinner at Merchant Court Hotel from 6:15-7:20pm, the coach took us to Clark Quay for the BumBoat Ride.

Surprising the crowd was pretty good for a Tue evening! Long queque but fast moving as there were about 12 boats which could take 30-40 per boat. 
Amazing view from under the bridges.
By about 8pm, we arrived at MBS just in time to catch the laser lights!

We hardly get to see MBFC from the waters...so here are the great vantage views.

The bum boat ride was about 40 min to and fro.
Thereafter, we hopped on to the coach again to our next destination!
The newly renovated Raffles Hotel which was re-opened only in Aug 2019.

Some of the tourists went to the LongBar for their Singapore Sling. But for the rest of us - we had a mini-tour of the place.
A stay in this place would cost more than S$1k! WoW.  This reminded me of our stay at Mahaphajit Hotel in Surabaya! Built by the same architect of Raffles Hotel - and we paid only S$150 thereabout! (Same design concept)

By 10pm, the tour was over!

MANY THANKS TO SY & C and Little Anna for the excellent invite of this night tour cum dinner!

We played tourists in our own little home of Singapore.

And guess what?

The RAIN started pouring when we were at Raffles Hotel!

So thankful to the Lord Jesus for holding back this downpour while we were on the bum boat at the Singapore River!
Not only did we enjoy a cool breezy nite ,we manage to take clear excellent night shots along the way!


Little Red Dot is celebrating bicentennial in 2019.  Sir Stamford Raffles set foot on shore in 1819.  So 200 hundred years has passed us by.

On 13/12/19, St Andrew's cathedral celebrated bicentennial Christmas too with some major VIP and other interfaith religious leaders being invited (800 over guests) And our PM leeder was invited as the Guest Of Honour (GOH)
Well located in the heart of the city centre of red dot, St Andrew Cathedral was also the site of many historic events.  Today it is also an icon tourist attraction.

I remember back in 2015, this same PM  was invited as 'GOH" to our Day of Jubilee Prayer at the Sports Stadium. Red Dot celebrated her 50th independence. And that new stadium boast of housing 55,000 people.

The above Handel Hallejujah Chorus - reminded me of who the actual real Guest of Honour 'GOH'should always be.

I am a 'Goh'. 吴 So in such important events like this, to me, this "GOH" shall always be YWHW and no other man.  In my heart, this Goh muay will always have Him not as a guest, but permanent resident King in whom I give all honour and praise to. 

My family surname 吴 (ko-Tian "WU")- oh yeah? with my mouth 'KO'  , may I remember to honour the King of the Heaven or the God of the Heaven "TIAN"   ! He is the One who deserves the Hallelujah!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

20191209-长 Fish Growth in a Year! Fishy Reflection or 2019 ending (Chang2 and Zhang3) 长

11 mths passed me by and my fish had grown () leaps and bounds and in length ()!
JAN - DEC 2019!

Above taken in Jan 2019

Above taken in Dec 2019
The new 11 fish had grown 长(Zhang3) to as long as the old 7!
They are now at least 9 inches long 长Chang2)!

When the 11 new fish came, they were less than 5inch long.
I forgot to measure the length of the 7 old fish back then.
But 11 months later, these new 11 grew to as long as the old ones - now 9 inch thereabouts.

I wondered - why did the NEW young ones grow faster? What happened to oldies like Koila, Koile, Koili, Red Head and Lihao, Lily, Litu?

In fact new Zebra, Fed & Red Dot seemed to have overtaken the old ones in size!


Perhaps the old are just too accustomed to the pond environment.  Too contented and so stunted growth.
Whereas the newbies were happily flexing their scales from their little sheltered pond to a bigger new pond and hence it grew in length. FDD too. (Fei Dui Dui)

Interestingly, I just realised that the word长”in Chinese can mean "long" as well as "grow"

Perhaps this applies to our own little walk with the Lord Jesus.

As we approach the ending of 2019 in another 21 days or 3 weeks' time, we want to spend some time reflecting on how this year had passed us by?

  • Have we "grown" to be more like Jesus -coming to such unity in our faith and knowledge of Jesus? Eph 4:13
  • Have our walk with Him been closer and sweeter in the grace & knowledge of our saviour Jesus Christ? 2 Pet 3:18
  • Have we turned our past disappointments into divine appointments ? Col 4:12 - becoming more matured that we fulfil God's will for us.
  • Or have we become 'obese' aka FDD like some of the old fish and become stagnant in our spiritual journey? Stunted growth - Hardened or jaded life? Nightmares striken by the real and not reel horror live action of the prolonged HK drama of mobs and rioting ?
GROWTH - is a process.  It is not an overnight thing. 

Like those new fish - it took them about 11 mths to catch up in length with the older 7 fish.

We invested in lots of fish food - some cheaper ones and others - pretty expensive kinds where they 'guaranteed' the vibrancy of the koi colours!

So just like these fish, in order to grow we need that spiritual food that comes from none other than the WORD of God.

The B.I.B.L.E which many known it as Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth -is the key that guarantees the compass for our life in this journey.

In the world where so many troubles can be seen around of late, we are reminded to stay focus on YHWH - He is the WORD.

The word长” -also means Forever, Always, Constantly. 

Hence, in order for us to GROW, we must always remember YHWH - He is the One who is Always Forever changes NOT and the Constant who Constantly changes NOT....长..长..长 What a paradox ?! We need to change to grow into more like Him who changes not.

Beautiful song about our Unchanging God.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

20191126-Learning Decoupage! Paper unto canvas Bag!

Interesting Decoupage Workshop at COOS on 26/11/19
And I made this for my little grand niece Sarah's 9th BD!

Materials Needed : White Glue / Vanish/ Brushes/ Sponges/ cardboards or paper sheets...hairdryer!

and of course...any paper servettes....

.and tote bags or other materials..for the printing on...


  1. Brush some white glue to the tote bag. Dry it
  2. Select the servette paper.  Tear the artwork
  3. Peel away the 2 layers leaving only the 3rd layer
  4. Place the artwork on the bag.
  5. Use a sponge/water and dapped the artpiece. Dry.
  6. Vanish Layer #1 on artpiece - dry.
  7. Vanish layer #2 again and dry
Presto! Here comes the bag with the customised artwork!

20191104-LTAW! 50KM??? Walkie Walk..

Our Team Name : Only Twenty? 
(why 20? It means 20km ...not 50km target:)
But...walk and walk...some gave up ...and in the end some ended at 40km mark...short of a 10!...Ha ha ha)
and so the sequel continued on 24/11/19...
Men In SYN!⧫

Hort Park has great variety of flowers!

For detailed diary...GOTO this blog?


20191012-13: Malacca Revisited ! Encore Melaka!

Our Melaka 2D1N trip! Pines Hotel stay S$50 per head with Encore Show!

The Lourves look alike?

Monday, October 28, 2019

20191027 - OH PULitzer vIDEO OF A LIGHTning on Deepavali!

John's video of the Lightning from balcony on 27/10/19 around 7:50pm! What a Pulitzer capture!

Today we celebrated Deepavali or Diwali aka Festival of Lights.

And it rained cats and dogs around 7pm on our site!

Out came the thunders roaring and lightning flashes.

And we bade goodbye to our usual sunday tennis matches!

As curious as cats, we took our mobiles out for a catch

of the strikes of lightnings we hoped to snatch!

Aha! Aha! The favour of our Creator God seemed to be on our side

And so this Pulitzer video I CONFERRED ON JOHN was our joy & pride!

What an AWESOME lightning video and stunning funny in-music tune!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Festival of Lights?
In Him we Delight!

James and John the sons of Thunder?
In Jesus alone we will awe in wonder!

20191026 Matt 13 : Parable of the Sower Came alive!

Rem the passion fruit planted at the fence on 25/5/19?
Was not growing until re-potted with different soil in Oct 2019!

Lesson Learnt:-
The soil at the fence was bad.  Stony, rocky and hard.  So the passion fruit plant hardly grew for the past 5 mths since May 19!

But barely 2 weeks after i re-potted them and moved it to the backyard, they had grown taller!

Reminded me of the parable of the sower! Matt 13.

Depending on the ground in which we sow, we reap accordingly!
  1. Wayside sowing - needless to say....eaten up straightaway
  2. Stony ground - Not much earth, no root , not deep so scorched by sun and withered away
  3. Thorns around - choked the good and hence cannot grow
  4. Good soil -like the organic compost which I bought to put the passion fruit plants in? It will grow!

Yes, like my french beans and bitter gourd vines - now I am into my second harvest of the 16 french beans (in 2 weeks) and another bitter gourd!  Getting fruitful!

I do understand the parable of the sower.  But nothing beats being a sower and watching the seeds grow.
It is no wonder why Jesus is often pointed out as a Gardener in the bible.

Had also observed this cucumber seedling sprouts on 8/10/19 thereabout.

Their heading towards the sun....is yet another lesson in life.

No matter what comes at us, we are reminded to look at the Son.  

He is the Gardener who sows, prunes and cause us to be fruitful.

He is the Vine, we are merely the branches.

Without Him, we are really nothing.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Ps34:1-7 Disappointments vs Appointments - HOPE - Retrenchments vs Retirements

Ps 34 " I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth..."

Disappointments vs Appointments - 
Retrenchments vs Retirements

Ever had such moments of disappointments? Retrenchments? Retirements?
Disappointments of unanswered prayers? 
Disappointments of being retrenched?
Disappointments of early retirements? (according to some survey here, many preferred to work till they past 65...umhhhh...I was rather disappointed when I enquired about my CPF last week. Oh boy! I had to set aside the RA sum of $181k next year when I turn 55! And I won't get to touch it till 10 years later...God knows if I have already turned to dust by then to enjoy the "fruit of my labour" Not only that, it would have to be converted to an annuity plan for monthly withdrawals as lump sum is not allowed.  Ouch! Pray I will stay in great pink of health ! Cheh!)

Even David had his fears. In Ps 34:4  He sought the LORD and he heard him and delivered him from all his fears.
Fears of imminent death?
Fears of not able to be financially providing for the family? 
Fears of not able to find meaningful purposeful work after retirement?

Yet, in such moments, let us not lose hope.
Like David, he cried and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles. V6

Rem Rom 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint , because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us

Last Sat, I was inspired and recorded this Hokkien song "爱拼才会赢" MyHokkien was not perfect, so the song was a bit of a rojak remix of Hokkien, Cantonese and Mandarin. But that guitar which my brother gave to me had such a great string quality!
Quite pleased with this recording :) Yeah!

I can’t help but sigh
 I can’t help but chill
 If I lose hope
 Daily drunkenness
 No soul but body,  will be like a scarecrow

 Life is comparable to the waves at sea
 Sometimes it rises,  sometime it  falls
 Good luck, bad luck, it’s all right to start work.
 30% are predestined &
 60% required perseverance
 Need to fight on in order to win


好运 歹运 总嘛要照起工来行
三分天注定 七分靠打拼

Thursday, August 22, 2019

20190818- X Park Iskandar JB : A Zippy Faith reflection

X PARK Iskandar, JB 16/8 -18/8/2019

Imagine a group of semi-retirees or retirees(late 40s, 50s and 60s) engaging in EXTREME sports??

Well, this was what happened during this period!

And we did it!

Xpark Iskandar, Sunway was just opened recently.  In fact we were the first to occupy their Glamping facilities:)

  • Looks Glam. But design issue as the glass tops were not suitable for our hot weather.  Hot even with fan and aircon on full blast.  At night the lamp-post lights shone right in rendering sleep affected :) LOL

Flying Fox (RM50)

This new Zipline is the longest in Malaysia now.  700m long but in 2 segments of 400m and 300m.  
Enjoyed it so much that John and I did it twice in 2 separate days!

According to the rangers, the speed of this zip is very dependant on the weather and wind conditions.  Sometimes, the participant may not reach the platform if the winds are against the flow.
As for us, the winds were with us. So....the platform was seemingly high and I almost couldn't stop in time!

Go Kart (RM60)

Zoom zoom was quite fun....

ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) - RM30

I couldnt' seem to control this fellow...hmmm....so did not really enjoy this ATV.
However, good experience to ride such a big bike!

Paint Ball (Or Pain ball? )

At first we did not know what to expect. After opting for the game, we starting wearing the overalls.  However, thank God we decided to unrobe and do the Target shooting instead!
Glad we make the change!
Cos it was not only paint ball...but also PAIN ball!

One got hit so bad, another on the head, on neck and even knuckle! OUCH!

High Rope (RM40/60)
Did not try this ...too hot and tired...but some did!
Strenous climb :(

X-men & X-Women!


For many of us, this Xtreme sports was a first trial in our lifetime!

The Zipline or flying fox was a dare event for many who are afraid of heights.
Despite the recent death of a tourist in Chiangmai zipline still fresh in my mind (April 2019), I could still trust my life on this zippy line for 700m!

Imagine the Swiss Cable (hook itself cost more than RM1500) holding the weight of a human being of 60kg? Such is the wonder of the cable cars and technology.

I have always love flying.

So this foxy lady went for it not just once but twice! LOL.

What is FAITH?
How could one trust in that small cable hook hanging on the steel line?
Unless, one takes the FIRST step to step off, one would not appreciate if that hook can hold one fast.

Just as I trusted Jesus as my personal Saviour, to save me from my sins, I took a step of faith inviting him to come into my heart and take control of my life.
It was a step of faith.  Cos until today, I cannot see God face to face.

But I know His presence.  I know He holds my hand. In Him I put my trust.

So, this was a zippy encounter.  

Some may call it crazy to zip through 700m in the air. 
But it was a great experience. 
I am still alive after travelling through this small narrow steel line with just a cable hook.


We mortals tend to have lots of mistrust in people.  Distrust in motives, agendas, hidden or otherwise.

But unlike a cat that has 9 lives (old wives' tales) , we only have one.

If there is now a wild fire raging where you are standing. And if Jesus or a fireman now comes along and offers a cable hook and line to bring you across to the other side of the lake away from the raging fire - a safe place, would you dare to trust Him and allow Him to bring you across?

The Choice is for you to make.

Choose while the day is here.  Harden not your heart.

Leap off.  Take that step of FAITH.

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...