Thursday, August 22, 2019

20190818- X Park Iskandar JB : A Zippy Faith reflection

X PARK Iskandar, JB 16/8 -18/8/2019

Imagine a group of semi-retirees or retirees(late 40s, 50s and 60s) engaging in EXTREME sports??

Well, this was what happened during this period!

And we did it!

Xpark Iskandar, Sunway was just opened recently.  In fact we were the first to occupy their Glamping facilities:)

  • Looks Glam. But design issue as the glass tops were not suitable for our hot weather.  Hot even with fan and aircon on full blast.  At night the lamp-post lights shone right in rendering sleep affected :) LOL

Flying Fox (RM50)

This new Zipline is the longest in Malaysia now.  700m long but in 2 segments of 400m and 300m.  
Enjoyed it so much that John and I did it twice in 2 separate days!

According to the rangers, the speed of this zip is very dependant on the weather and wind conditions.  Sometimes, the participant may not reach the platform if the winds are against the flow.
As for us, the winds were with us. So....the platform was seemingly high and I almost couldn't stop in time!

Go Kart (RM60)

Zoom zoom was quite fun....

ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) - RM30

I couldnt' seem to control this did not really enjoy this ATV.
However, good experience to ride such a big bike!

Paint Ball (Or Pain ball? )

At first we did not know what to expect. After opting for the game, we starting wearing the overalls.  However, thank God we decided to unrobe and do the Target shooting instead!
Glad we make the change!
Cos it was not only paint ball...but also PAIN ball!

One got hit so bad, another on the head, on neck and even knuckle! OUCH!

High Rope (RM40/60)
Did not try this ...too hot and tired...but some did!
Strenous climb :(

X-men & X-Women!


For many of us, this Xtreme sports was a first trial in our lifetime!

The Zipline or flying fox was a dare event for many who are afraid of heights.
Despite the recent death of a tourist in Chiangmai zipline still fresh in my mind (April 2019), I could still trust my life on this zippy line for 700m!

Imagine the Swiss Cable (hook itself cost more than RM1500) holding the weight of a human being of 60kg? Such is the wonder of the cable cars and technology.

I have always love flying.

So this foxy lady went for it not just once but twice! LOL.

What is FAITH?
How could one trust in that small cable hook hanging on the steel line?
Unless, one takes the FIRST step to step off, one would not appreciate if that hook can hold one fast.

Just as I trusted Jesus as my personal Saviour, to save me from my sins, I took a step of faith inviting him to come into my heart and take control of my life.
It was a step of faith.  Cos until today, I cannot see God face to face.

But I know His presence.  I know He holds my hand. In Him I put my trust.

So, this was a zippy encounter.  

Some may call it crazy to zip through 700m in the air. 
But it was a great experience. 
I am still alive after travelling through this small narrow steel line with just a cable hook.


We mortals tend to have lots of mistrust in people.  Distrust in motives, agendas, hidden or otherwise.

But unlike a cat that has 9 lives (old wives' tales) , we only have one.

If there is now a wild fire raging where you are standing. And if Jesus or a fireman now comes along and offers a cable hook and line to bring you across to the other side of the lake away from the raging fire - a safe place, would you dare to trust Him and allow Him to bring you across?

The Choice is for you to make.

Choose while the day is here.  Harden not your heart.

Leap off.  Take that step of FAITH.

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