Monday, August 19, 2019

20190811-D5 A staycation at "Raffles Hotel"? Majaphahit Hotel, Surabaya

Majaphahit Hotel, Surabaya
Same Architect as our Raffles Hotel in Spore.

For the price of S$150 a nite, it was a great opportunity to have a taste of this "heavenly mansion"

So, in Surabaya, we had our foot/ body massages which cost even less than that in JB (which we thought it was already good...) but....this was even better or best in price!

With just under 2 hour in flight time from red dot to Surabaya costing about S$350 plus depending on season, would you consider this place for a look see?
For a weekend getaway to see Bromo and the waterfalls and a stay at "Raffles" and their Javanese cuisine...why not?


For E who missed her flight this trip, knocked her head in hotel, lost her beloved slippers in the falls, tt was tough going but perhaps a reflective trip.

We didn't get "Left Behind" afterall in the end but returned safely back home on this 54th National Day. (John's jacket and YN trekking poles) 

And I managed to finish this book which I borrowed from NLB.

  1. Gazing the stars and sunrise at Bromo wa a taste of the heavenlies
  2. Hearing the roaring waterfalls was a reminder of Revelation 22 of the pure river of life
  3. Staying at Majaphahit Hotel was yet another glimpse of the heavenly mansion which Jesus had already prepared for us

And I witnessed sheep/goats being slaughtered (Korban) in the little towns as Hari Raya Haji was 2 days after ND. That reminded me of the precious Lamb of God shed on the cross for me and you. Besides the redeeming love in Ruth. It is all about Grace.  Not about my righteousness but His.  A lamb so perfect without sin but yet took the sins on our behalf.

I started this second book "The discipline of Grace" in this trip.  It was so appropriate a reminder to us all.

God's Riches At Christ's Expense.

Who is the co-ordinator? LOL
Thanks to YN for the organizing efforts.

Above all....
Giving thanks to Him who had made this trip so memorable in so many ways.

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