Monday, August 5, 2019

20190805- Ps 147:4 He calls them out by name...stars and fishes

Today 5th Aug 2019, fish finally got its name!

Khock (Flower in Korean)
Orange O1 or 2?
Lily and Hilo
Hilo and Red Dot

Finally after more than 6 months after the new fish joined the old ones, I managed to name all of them today! Yeah!

Old Fish :
1. Red Head
2. Koila (pretty mixed flower like)
3. Koile (red one)
4. Koili (red one)
5. Lihao (White with red dot )
6. Lily (white with 3 dots)
7. Litu (white with tumor)

New Fish
1. Hilo (silver aluminium - most expensive one)
2. Zebra
3. Goldie (yellow)
4. Little red Dot
5. Fed (shimmering orange with black back)
6. Raf (Shimmering with orange head)
7. Nad (Shimmering with white head)
8. Hana ( Flower in Japanese - 3 pretty orange like flowers)
9. Khock (Flower in korean - 2 pretty orange like flowers)
10. O1 (Orange)
11.O2 (Orange) - both looked alike - twins orange :)

Total : 18 Fish!

Now I am able to identify all of them except for the twins!


I am reminded of Ps 147:4. If our creator God counts the number of stars and calls them by name, why can't I?

But to assign the name to its fish already took me more than half a year to get to know and recognise each one! So I am awed by Him who is able to COUNT the number of stars and also name each one! There are millions of them!

And me, just to COUNT the 18 of them swimming in the water is already a feat! Already seeing STAR-FISHES!#$%%$%%*(*((*&##%^^!

Ps 147:1

Indeed "Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful"


"He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He takes no pleasure in the legs of man. 
The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
In those who hope in His mercy."


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