Monday, January 28, 2019

20190128-Blue Butterly PEA & His awesome creation

From Blue of Healing to Purple of Royalty via an awesome creative blue butterful pea plant!

OCT 2018 : Placed some seeds of this blue butterfly pea in the garden!

DEC 2018 : Harvested the first pea flower!

JAN 2019 : Had some fun 'playing" with this blue drink! Adding some lemonade to turn it from blue to purple!

We serve an amazing Creator YHWH.
Doing this recent experiment simply awes me once again.
I cannot boast of having green fingers. But this blue butterfly pea plant grows so easily from seed to maturing with beautiful blue flowers in just 2 months plus.  Now it is growing in abundance!

Having seen the awesome BIG rainbow over the home last month, I am reminded of Blue being of one the 3 rainbow primary colours (RYB).
BLUE! It signifies the Healing power of God (Matt 9;21 the hem which was touched by the woman with the issue of blood was Blue!)  It also represent the WORD of God. The fact that the sky is blue stands for the presence of YHWH - Omnipresent God. 

Celestial sky -Truth .  Heaven.

The Sapphire - is a blue precious stone. Used as the second layer of foundation of the wall in the New Jerusalem. Rev 21:19.  Until today as I penned this, I am still unable to comprehend this awesome Heavenly place in my little pea brain mind.  Orion - as I last journalled allowed me to gaze into the night sky.  Where the dark faraway space opens up to a brillant techno colour bands of light way beyond the rainbow colours that I can now see occasionally. I can only imagine!

RED - represents the blood of Jesus, blood of the Lamb, love of God, atone and salvation.

Of course I did not add red stuff to the above blue to turn it to Purple! I added lemonade!

PURPLE ! Viola! The water turned to purple once the acidic lemonade was added into the drink!  And Purple reminded me of Royalty, Priesthood, Kingship, mediator and wealth.


We are born to WORSHIP the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The day we are born into this earthly world where decay starts due to sin.
Despite He is Jehovah Rapha - he is the Healer as in the blue I see in a butterfly pea flower, there is more to healing of our broken bodies here on earth.

He has come to take away my sin and to redeem me and make me His precious daughter when I acknowledge that I am just like a little pea in the universe. I needed Him. I am born to worship the Creator God who had shed his blood on the cross for me.

So...thank you Lord Jesus.  Through this blue pea -my heart goes out in purple wonders once again.  You alone, deserve the highest praise! Amen!

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