Friday, February 15, 2019

20190209 - Gen 1:21 Fish and Rain Watching! The wonders of bubbles!

9/2/19 ..The rain came..and I watched our fish "eat" bubbles! Oh what a wonderful world it is!

It was just an ordinary day  on 9/2/19.

I decided to strum and sing with my guitar in the living room  
Little did I realise that the birds love the music! When I strum and sing, they started chirping. I stopped. They stopped! So I played along.  And so I had a hearty laugh!

And just when I thought about their silly singing in the morning, i realised later in the evening when the rain came down,  birds have bird brain, so do the fish - our little kois:) LOL

Fish has fish brains just like the birds? !@#$#$%%

I happened to be looking out of the living area when I observed the little kois heading towards the wall of the pond. One by one went up! And what did they do? They must have thought the bubbles were food! So they nimbled at them when they were formed! OH my! Fish Brains! Ha ha ha. Watch the video and have another hearty laugh! 

Reflections on birds and fish!
I think it is rather rude to call someone having a bird brain.  Kind of insult to intelligence.
But birds can sing.  They 'play their instrument' when they are happy I supposed.  More so at dawn when they meet my guitar strumming and human voice.
Was awed at our Creator God who made music through merely 7 notes.  And I am still unable to under the language of birds :)

Kois.  Fish.  They are hungry all the time. They eat and gobble all the time. You feed. They eat.  Non-stop.

And so I can imagine why they ate those Bubbles when the rain came down! Silly fish I thought!  Guess, forgiven - they are hungry all the time :) Unlike those birds, fish cannot sing.  They bubbled in water. And they "ate' bubbles too!

So it was an ordinary day that turned out to be rather EXTRA_ORDINARY when I think about those birds and fish.
Our Lord YHWH is the most creative one.
He created me - a mere mortal who can sing with the birds and bubble with laughter with the fish!

Rem Gen 1:21. On  Day 5 -"and God created great whales and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind, and God saw that it was good..."

Yes It was good, the fish and bird! PTL!

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