Wednesday, June 12, 2019

20190612: John 15 Vines & Passion...Fruit

3/5/2019 : About 5 weeks after seeding, cucumber flowers in bloom - mainly male ones!

Bean Flowering.

25/5/2019 : 28th Wedding Anniversary! Planted this passion fruit (given by KM) Marriage "Passion" Fruit Up!💚

Trying to be more like Him - Mui the gardener!

I usually do not have green fingers unlike some of my sisters who seem to be able to grow whatever they set themselves to it. 
Nevertheless, i am now enjoying this new season of my life with a little garden plot to play with. 
I love blending beans and cucumbers . So that was my start in April 2019. 
Not that these come cheap.  In fact buying them off the Tesco mart would be a better cheaper alternative.  But, now seeing my plants bloom was quite a fun experience!

Reflecting on John 15 

What I had planted are mainly vines.  The tendrils crawl upwards in a fascinating way!

John 15:1 " I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener"

  • Jesus declaration : He is THE TRUE vine.  Hmm...false ones around.
  • Jesus' Father is the gardener.  No wonder the Son was also mistaken as a gardener by Mary in John 20:15. Like Father Like Son.
  • Jesus takes away those who does not bear fruit. Ouch! Castaway!
  • Jesus purges those whose branch bear fruit so that we can bear more fruit!
  • Jesus and Abiding principle - Abide in me and I in you
  • Jesus' promises of answered prayers subject to the abiding command
  • Jesus loving commandment - Father's love, His love and us
  • Jesus Joy Commandment - His joy in us and full
  • Jesus Friendship and loving others - we are His friends and expected us to love one another
  • Jesus expectation of hate and persecution by the world. He was hated without a cause.
  • Jesus sent us His Comforter - What a comfort!

Final Viney Thoughts

The world is seeming in great distress and turmoil. Trade tensions. Huawei. HK 1 mio in streets over Extradiction bill.  

POFMA??: "Protection from Online Falsehood & Manipulation Act" Really??

Where had our sense of discernment gone to?
Why do we need so many such laws to "protect' us or to "dim" our wits from thinking?

Back to the Garden. Away from the madness of this world! Be a gardener!

Thank God for His creative green hand seen around me. Restoring my soul!

So: Woe-Whinney or Victory-Viney?

Woe -spiral downwards.
Victory- spiral upwards.

Ha Ha ! Not going to be whinney.  But viney towards the Son always! 
Just like my cute little vines!
And be fruitful in due season!
Enjoy the fruit of my labour soon!

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