Tuesday, March 31, 2020

20200331 - Mask or not ? Freedom thots

Wearing masks? Like a thief who comes to kill , steal and destroy!

The year of the Rat 2020 - kicks off with a plaque of Covid19 virus.
It had gone all over the world, across the land and sea.
And one by one, the countries started its lock down.
It is a containment strategy hoping to flatten the curve of spread.

Many countries adopted the Stay At Home Notice. For 14 -21 days.
Social distancing.  Mask wearing . To prevent the spread.

And many received this about the staying at home thingy!


  • Social Connect :- First, a thankful heart that in this global world we are still connected in many ways thanks to today's technology.  Our friend M, upon hearing that we are short of masks here in little red dot, decided to send us 3 boxes of 60 pc mask from his China side to us FOC! (His plea to encourage us to wear them when stepping out of home based on the Chinese overcoming experience).  This act of kindness...Hmm...God Bless M.

  • Social Distancing :-Secondly, it is not so much about the catching of this Covid19, but rather the thots of being asked to stay at home for the 14-21 days notice.  Little Red dot is not enforcing the full lock down as yet.  The SHN or Quarantine only applies to certain groups of people.So to me this is a loss of freedom.  Having your own little cell at home.  But thank God we are still able to move out to buy our little groceries etc.  Social responsibility on our part to ensure social distancing etc.  Liberty a little restrained .  Nevertheless, appreciated.

  • Social Divide:- Thirdly, we are witnessing some people ranting about the racial issues arising from this Covid19 virus.  From China, really? China virus? Hmm....well this virus is multi-racial. LOL.  Beneath our skin of yellow, white, red or black, the blood within us is still red.

I cannot imagined being served with a SHN and to serve out this 14 day.  Even with meals provided or even accommodation given.  Guess there are some things that money cannot buy.  And it is called FREEDOM.

Gal 5:1 " It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery"
  • Social Person :-Finally , a new perspective of what a church is or not.  This COVID19 saga brings us back to a unique Person called Jesus Christ.  He came 2020 years back with His birth dividing our date line. BC. Before Christ and now AD.
2 Cor 3:17 " Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom "

This invisible bug called Covid , came to kill, steal and destroy. It is a fear motivator.

Since it is invisible, we ought to put on our armour suit and pray like never before.  Fight in the spirit realm. Let us look to the other C - Christ Jesus who is in us - is greater than that who is in the world.

Fear   vs   Faith 
Choose wisely 


Test the quality of your mask!

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