Tuesday, April 7, 2020

20200407- Start of the Stay At Home in Red dot -ONE mth! & Bollywood Experience& The Cross Irony

Finally the day has come for Little Red Dot to "Lock Down" all work in the Office!
Yes, it is official.  So on 6/4/20, I had to packed my PC & Printer and neccesary
documents home to "work" instead. Ha Ha  The irony of life. 
It is called "Home-Work" for the adults (not just for the kids!) LOL

Just 3 days before, some of us went to volunteer at 20 Neo Tiew Farm. It was quite fun, though hot. And for the first time, I visited Bollywood Farm (which was about 1.5km away from the farm @ 20 Neo Tiew Drive)  where we had lunch at the Bistro.

This Bollywood Farm was quite impressive! Worth a visit!

Many people forwarded about the potency of Garlics and its ability to ward off COVID19 like the vampire bats!  Well, after meeting some of the "passionate gardeners" at the farm, I decided to toy with the growing of garlics in water....Yes, it started to root and sprout in quite a fast rate! Amazing!

And since my earlier batch of bean sprouts had only a success rate of one of 10 in the transfer, i decided to start another batch.  About 7 sprouted from 10 seeds the last time. But only 1 -2 managed to survived the transpot . Think I 'killed the roots" during the transfer! Ouch!


Guess being locked down at home has turned out to be a way of opening up our world of creativity.  And I am just reminded of my awesome Creator God.

1. Covid19 has also exposed the Cross in an unusual way of our "X' in the social distancing (when we see the marks on the seats at the places where we dine now)  as well as the appreciating the "freedom" that we take for granted. The irony of God's wisdom.

1 Cor 1:18-21 " The Message that points to Christ on the Cross seems like sheer silliness to those hellbent on destruction, but for those on the way of salvation it makes the perfect sense.  This is the way God works , and most powerfully as it turns out.  It is written,
I'll turn conventional wisdom on its head ,
I'll expose so-called experts as crackpots"

2. Indoor Gardening has become more creative in some sense too.  Thanks to Covid. Learning to use recycled bottles, egg trays and egg shells. Appreciating Jesus Christ as our Gardener.  

1 Cor 3: 5-9 " We each carried out our servant assignment.  I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plants, but God made you grow.  It is not the one who plants or water who is at the centre of the process, but God who makes things grow.  Planting and watering are menial servant jobs at minimum wages.  What make them worth doing is the God we are serving.  You happen to be God's field in which we are working"

[Yes , this COVID made us honour the cleaners, the so-call menial workers in our society today.  They may not be the elite higher income earners - but without them, we are going to be very dirty...]

Final Thots

So this COVID hopefully made us think more critically.
Let us pray that this invisible bug will allow our mind to expand and appreciate the INVISIBLE creator God around us.  If COVID is here to destroy, let us be Godwards. If it is fear that COVID brings, let us allow faith to arise to help us look to God. Hey, look at my garlic and bean sprouts.  Who causes them to grow? Surely not I.  I merely soaked them in water or on little lumps of earth.

3 Cor 16-21 " You realise, don'tyou, that you are the temple of God and God himself is present in you? No one will get by with vandalizing God's temple, you can be sure of that.  God's temple is sacred - and you , remember , are the temple.

Don't fool yourself.  Don't think you can be wise merely by being up-todate with the times.  Be God's fool - that's the path to true wisdom.  What the world calls smart, God calls stupid.  It's written in Scripture,

He exposes the chicanery of the chic.
The Master sees through the smokescreens of the the know-it-alls.

I don't want to hear any of you bragging about yourself or anyone else .  Everything is already yours as a gift - Paul, Apollos, Peter, the world, life, death, the present , the future- all of it is yours, and you are privileged to be in union with Christ; who is in union with God"

Question: Are you already in union with God?

I would love that you would know Him too!

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