Tuesday, April 28, 2020

20200408- SAH Exercise!

28/4/2020 - Biking again!

14/4/2020 - Sweetenham/ Peel Road area

Covid 19! Closed all the National Parks, Sports Centres, Condo facilities!
WE CAN only jog, run, bike without the need for MASKs.

So since the LD, we are now using more of our 2 foldable bikes.  Exploring the area around Botanic Gardens, Queenstown area!

With the current Stay at Home control, we have no choice but to step up our 'GYM" stretching at our home!

Missed tennis too much!
Our old Hammer tennis racket is now put to good use!
With a book attached to the face of the racket, the swings are quite energizing!
Not only that, using the other normal Hammer now to hit the stress ball against the wall too! Forehand , Back hand and volleys!

And doing the wall squat hitting of the balls - now 200 on each side!

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