Friday, May 22, 2020

20200520: Exodus in one Page! Is God a great Architect, Contractor, Interior & Fashion Designer & Master Tailor?

Revisting the Land of Old and Modern Egypt today while studying the book of EXODUS!

Started reading Exodus on Sunday 17/5/20.  Over the next few days with a cup of tea at the balcony - doodling out the 40 chapters of Exodus! Completed on 20/5/20! Phew! What a journey!
Follow the Dots from Chapter 1 to Chapter 40!


So it all began around 1300BC, after Jacob's and Joseph's death in Egypt.  Moses from the Levi tribe was born!

The 10 Plagues

The Red Sea Crossing...

The Mosaic Covenant- The Laws (Social, Moral & Religious & the Sabbath and the 3 feasts)

The 10 Commandments- 
Original written by the finger of God.
Replica by Moses.

God speaks of the Design of the Tabernacle, Vestments and the Consecration.
His Appointment of Skilled Craftsmen!

Finale - The completion of the Tabernacle building.
The Glory of the Lord filled the TABERNACLE!

Is God a great Architect, Contractor, Interior & Fashion Designer & Master Tailor?

The journey of Exodus i  very intriguing. The adventures, the ups and downs. There was a complex mix of emotions.  If you have those Emo-cons, all will be filled up in this doodling. 

But most amazing of it all, as I read the details of the building of the tabernacle, I could not help but be in awe of our YHWH.  

He was a great Architect, Contractor, Interior & Fashion Designer & Master Tailor during the Moses' time.  To be very precise measurement- the details were recorded.  The exquisite embroidery. The Pure Gold.

He worked through the miracles of the 10 plagues.
He fingered the 10 Commandments.

While the Abraham Covenant was Unconditional - the promise of the Land filled with honey and milk,

this Mosaic Covenant was not Unconditional.  Instead , it is CONDITIONAL.  If you obey, then.....Else.....

The Tabernacle was a glimpse of what is to come through Jesus Christ.
As we enter the gate of this tent of meeting, 

1.Jesus - is now the perfect sacrifice for us at the bronze altar.
2. The wash basin is a reminder of our sins cleansed by Jesus' blood shed on the cross for us.
3.The Table 
4. The Candlestick - reminding us of the 7 names of the Holy Spirit (Is11:2) - Lord, counsel, wisdom, knowledge, might, understanding and the fear of the Lord.
5. Altar of Incense - Praise to God and the reminder of the names of God (Jehovah Jireh, Shalom, Ralpha, Rohi, Tsidkenu, Nissi,  M'kaddesh, Shamma, Elyon, Sabbaoth)
6. Inner Veil - remember this that was torn when Jesus died on the cross? We can now freely enter into His Holy of Holies if we know Him.  Not just the priests of old granted the special access.
7. The Ark of the covenant - containing the 10 commandments, Aaron's rod and the pot of manna)

Even the Breastpiece - one of the priests Vestments - bore the same gems in the last book of Revelation on the new Heaven in stored for us.

Can you imagine?

I can only Imagine!

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