Monday, May 18, 2020

20200514-Genesis in One Glance

On 14/5/2020, completed overview of Genesis using The Message Version!

I bought 'The Message' version by Eugene Peterson way back in 2004 when it was first launched in 2003.  But somehow, I was too used to using KJV, NKJV and the NIV that I could not really 'appreciate' the story telling version in simple English for,.

Well, 16 years later, in the year of Covid19, I decided to start reading from this version as my bible reading.  Hooray! Genesis was completed and my Message Bible is now highlighted and underlined from scratch!

And thanks to the Muichaeangelo artistic spirit that had come alive after participating in the Colouring Contest last month - I began to appreciate the Word of God even more.  This time, I felt as if the LORD walked with me through the history in the making.  

I used to think "Why, the phrase -' The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob'- appeared so many times to remind the Israelites of their ancestry forefathers' "Heavenly God King?"

And why I cannot remember who was whose father or wife or child? LOL

But now in 2020, I think I can better appreciate and remember the lineage better!

The following is my Genesis in ONE Glance -
the Abrahamic Covenant.

 The intriguing sins of mankind - Abraham's lies and lies. Change of names. About wives and their maids and their intermarrying of sisters of Isaac. Regarding Firstborns...stealing of birthright of Esau and Jacob - that change history of the generations to come.  The Murder plot. And guess what? Prostitution in today's vice originated way back when we read about Jacob who slept with his daughter in law who prostituted herself! 

And how Jacob married 4 wives! (sounds familiar?)
And how favouritism was something not unfamiliar in any family even today.
Who was your favorite child in the family ?
Was there sibling rivalry?

Of course, Joseph , whose mother was Rachel (and not Leah) ,was the apple of the eye of the father. And much of the story was centred on him in Genesis from Gen40 all to the end.

Interesting history of Jacob and his 4 wives - the birth of all the 12 Tribes
It was also interesting to note the Blessings by Jacob over his 12 sons in Gen49 - not all had it good.  Perhaps the best were given to Joseph and Judah.

And in those days, people's lives were long.  Jacob died at the age of 147. His son Joseph died at 110.  But today, most of us can barely make it to 100. As the Psalmist King David in Ps90 penned - 70 and at best 80 if God give us the strength.

Funerals were a big thing back then. They embalm the body to last a long time of 40 days.  Today? May be a few days before cremation or burial!
How about mourning? That time -70 days!  Here, for some religion, within a day before sun down for burial.  For others, 3 -7 days at most for wakes.
(I am not one for wakes.  I rather fellowship with the living than the dead.  So I have willed not to have any wakes at all when my time comes to meet the Lord.  There would be just a memorial perhaps 7 days after my death for a time of celebration and feast at the hotel.) 

 Ever thought of your exit in this world? Some felt this might be morbid.  But, think about it - we enter in to this world with a cry, helplessly.  At least we can think about exit , in great thoughts, not helplessly?


I love the last part in Genesis.  About FORGIVENESS .  Fear by those who bore guilt , like Joseph's brothers who did him wrong by selling him off as a slave to Eygpt.  Lied about his death to their father.

Yet, Joseph forgives. And those of his brothers who felt guilty for years managed to obtain forgiveness when they asked and sought for it. Imagine the years of suffering in guilty and wondering thoughts?

Joseph, such an exemplary man of God.  Full of mercy and grace.

Yes, life is short.  
There should be no fear of contracting Covid19.  It is invisible and we should not be overly paranoid about stepping out of our home, or becoming compulsively clean and disinfecting not only ourselves on the outside clean and its surroundings.

The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart.
Keep our hearts clean and pure.  By Knowing His Heart.
Keep a hungry heart. Thirsting after Him in days like this.
There are seemingly many things WRONG in our society.  There can only be one thing RIGHT if we do the right. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and the things of this world shall grow strangely dim!

Don Moen has this latest song.  He hit it on the nail. It is not about REVIVAL!
It is about keeping a Hungry Heart after Him.

Matt5:6 ; A great reminder 
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled"

Have a hear of this song!
My prayer - yes, we hunger and thirst after Him.
Verse 1
Like a deer that pants for water
I am thirsty for You Lord
But in my heart there is a longing
I still believe there’s more
So open up the heavens
And let Your Spirit fall like rain
Wash me in Your presence
Refresh my life again
A hungry heart is what I bring
To the table of the King
For there my soul is satisfied
With all the goodness He provides
All that I need is there by faith
The table is set with mercy and grace
So I come, with a hungry heart
Verse 2
As I come into His presence
I am made complete
Feasting at His table
And sitting at His feet
Then I will run and not be weary
I will walk and never faint
I will rise on wings like eagles
For the Lord will be my strength

Just as I am without one plea
But that Your blood was shed for me
And as you bid me come to thee
Oh Lamb of God I come
A hungry heart is what I bring
To the table of my King
For there my soul is satisfied
With all the goodness He provides
All that I need is there by faith
The table is set with mercy and grace
So I come, with a hungry heart
So I come, with a hungry heart 

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