Sunday, February 21, 2021

20210219_Alpha Revisited....Is there more than life to this? Kiss The Rain....

Welcome to Alpha COOS
More than 19 years later...on 19/2/21!

I did my first Alpha way back in early 2000s.  Then as facilitators for another 2 -3 rounds.
Helped to do a abridge version of "Jesus Only Way" which was for 5 weeks instead of the 12 weeks Alpha.

Attending this was really a refresher for me this time as I accompanied a friend to this new workshop.  The videos had changed.  some of the topics too.  But I guess the message is still the same.

The first session on 19/2/21 was "Is there more than life to this?"

What a good question to ponder to a new start of the lunar new year of the OX!

The video reminded me of the time when I was in my early 20s when I just started work after graduation from the university.  It was the beginning of my own search for the meaning of life back in 1987/88.  Yes, while I was so thankful to land myself a job as a credit officer in a financial institution, I sank into the routine of "work-sleep- eat- wakeup- eat-work - eat- sleep..." mundane cycle of a person earning her keep and being proud to help to contribute to my parents' family upkeep. 

Yes, that year prompted my start of my search " Is there more than life to this?" Muahaha!

Well, it was during this first job of mine that some of my prayers were answered surprisingly.  I wasn't a believer back then.  Yet I did pray to Jesus one fine night due to one of the credit cases that bothered me.  Jesus answered the next morning!  So I thought to myself " HMM...WOW" WOW! WOW! Really? Really?!

Some months down the road, I followed my brother to his church.  And the rest was HISTORY! HIS-Story about Mui mui mui.....He found me and I was found by HIM! Jesus became the author and perfecter of mui's little journey of faith.

Was it kind of "blind" faith?  Trusting and believing in someone called Jesus Christ? Why Him and not Guanyin or Prophet Mohd or Gautama? No.  I think the faith was not at all blind.  I did seek about the reason for my being here on earth.  I did read up about the rest of the other faiths.  In the end, coupled with my own experience of answered prayers, I knew deep in my heart - there is no other perfect man other than Jesus who came on earth to die for my sins so that I can live an abundant life here while on earth.  Before I get my permanent citizenship in heaven according to His timing, I obtained my VISA to heaven! Approved and stamped by the King of the Nations - Jesus Christ Himself! Oh Yeah !

God Is Love

Have you experienced "Love at First Sight or that little tug in your beating heart?"
Have you ever fall in love with someone? or being infatuated with that person?

My quest for the meaning of life led me to this awesome relationship with Jesus.
I had no regrets.
The New testament of the bible was my first getting to know Him in those letters penned by several of His disciples.  Kind of love letters.

God is Music Maker
God Created music in just 7 notes.  I love music.  And I learned the keyboard only in my 40s and 50s.  Late student.  But I am happy with Covid 19 lockdown as I took up this life time PIANO LESSONS with this young man by the name of Zach Evans.  Under his video and methodlogy, I managed to syn my both hands in playing FINALLY!  I did improve.

Here is my latest learning piece - Part 1 of "KISS THE RAIN" by Yiruma (Korean-British)  A classical piece composed by him in 2003.  It is one of his famous pieces.  Awesome music.

"I hope that my music doesn't separate from your lives.  Instead I want it to be with you always, as if it 's the background music to your lives" - Yiruma

Let us grow in tune to Jesus - the music maker of our life!
Our life with Him as the Great Composer, our lives will be filled with 
 - the different melody - tones of high and low notes, sharps and flats
- the different dynamics of crescendos and forte
- the different rhythms (beats and tempo or sycopation)
- the harmony of chords and progressions
- the texture
- the timbre...
(our lives will never be static.  It will be filled with joys, sorrows, ups and downs, highs and lows.  There will be a season for everything under the sun.  Embrace Life with Him)

Music is sound and silence.

In the beginning, it was God who spoke into the very existence of life.

So rightly quoted by Yiruma, let us not separate the love of our creator God and us. 

Acts 17:28 " For in him we live and move and have our being"

Next time, when you see the falling rain....
Go and Kiss the Rain!


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