Tuesday, April 27, 2021

20210427 - Bike : Pang Sua PCN - Come to the 'River of Life"!

27th April 2021 - Biking along this Pang Sua PCN!

This was a Car cum Bike Ride!

7:50am - Drove to Hazel Park

8:20am - Arrived at Hazel ! 13 km from home

8:30am - Bike off!

Missed the Mandai trek which was our original plan!

Went into this weird name Pang Sua PCN instead!

But not too bad.....

Short route with scenic 'canal rivers ' view!

At the end of the PCN - decided that we will not bike to Kranji further 7km north.

Came back into Verde Park! Hey! Where 2 of our friends lived!

Decided to pay them a visit ! Muahaha!

Both were working from home!

So it was toilet break cum water top up at the home!

Paddled back ...

10:45 am : Lunch at the Big Tree coffee shop (Just behind Hazel Park)

11:30am ; HOME SWEET HOME!


Reminded me of this song

by Don Moen

as I rode along this 'CANAL"

"Come to the Rivers Of Life!"


Do you remember the River of Life that the Lord God has given to us?

Sunday, April 18, 2021

20210419- Luke 1:46-55 You still reign and you are still God


The Majestic RAIN TREE at Fort Canning on 18/4/21

Rain Tree or Reign thee thots?

Was pondering (not ponding) over the heavy rainstorm yesterday afternoon...it was so heavy that 'ponding' word cannot be used!

Canals were 90% in full loading.  Roads were rivers-like!

Remembering how we were caught in the rain after the Fort Canning park ride, now I am so thankful for a flimsy plastic raincoat that kept me so dry upon coming home!

I cannot fathom that this flimsy thing would work so well indeed. 

Alas, I can only thank the Lord for this wonderful 2020 song reminding me that He still REIGN ( not rain) and He is still God.
Fell in love with it and today, decided to record it for my own pleasure.

Just as the rain tree is majestic , so is He!

Luke 1:46..
And Mary said " I'm bursting with God-news;
I'm dancing the song of my Saviour God.
God took one good look at me and looked what happened -
I'm the most fortunate woman on earth!
What God has done for me will never be forgotten,
and God whose very anme is holy, set apart from all others.
His mercy flows in wave after wave
on those who are in awe of him.."

Indeed, Jesus still reigns and He is still God.

He is like the Majestic Rain tree. He reigns high above.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

20210417 - ROM Fort Canning Park -Bike Ride 你是我的城池营垒


17/4/21 : At Fort Canning Park 你是我的城池营垒

17/4/21 Sat 

8:30 - Set Off from home

9:00 - Arrived at Fort Canning Park (Circled one round before 'climbing up"..

Impressed by this Archaelogical Site!

What they excavated ....
Circled twice around...missed this tunnel 
Decided to ride off after...

Fort Canning - Is a ROM place..
Love is all around...

Real Love Works? Really?

What is Real Love?

Is there Fake Love?

First time eating this Pao Fan! At Tanglin Mall Food Court..

Stranded at Tanglin Mall due to heavy rains...
So heavy that several areas in Bukit Timah, Clementi , Ulu Pandan areas were flooded..

Forgotten to bring my raincoat!
Got this at 7-11 for S$5!
Save my body!
Rode in the rain...
Yet, dry dry dry when home!

Raincoat is GREAT!

Have you watched this C-drama of 2021 released in March?
It is called 'You are my Hero" 
Quite a nice drama.  Lovely actress and actor.
Here is the main theme song



Decided to embed this song because rode to a Fort this morning.

And this drama is  called 你是我的城池营垒.

There is a human instinct for mankind to seek for LOVE. Natural.

But there is a limitation to what man or woman can give in terms of love.

There is a God who says that He is Love.

He will never disappoint or fail us, man or woman - married or single.

And He will always be our HERO Father and our Fortress in times of need.

Get to know Him. Meet Him. Trust Him. Love Him.

With all your heart, soul , mind and strength.


幻想一个 未来
拥有一片 星海
在某一刻 看你 向我走来
孤单经过 人海
看别人的 精彩
而我的心 在等谁来主宰
因为一个 意外
轨迹已经 更改
多么真实 从现在到未来
不愿给谁 伤害
也不愿有 遗憾
可命运总是 沉默地留白
所有的美好 都在一瞬间
也许 爱来得太快
但是 我想让你 依赖
遇见你是 意外
命运为你 更改
多么真实 从现在到未来
慢慢学会 期待
我怕给你 伤害
可命运总是 沉默地留白
所有的美好 都在一瞬间
也许 爱来得太快
爱来的意外 在意料之外
但却 真实存在
终于 在之后明白 是我离不开


Friday, April 9, 2021

20210406 - Night Biking to Gardens Supertrees! Rev 22

SuperTrees performance nightly from 7:45pm to 8pm

6/4/2021  Tue Night....from 6:00pm to 10:10pm
6:15pm : Queenstown MRT - meeting up a couple friend on this journey....

 A Video with a great song " You're still God"....

Ever feel down and out at times?

Lift up your head and look at the Super tree!

Remember Rev 22...There is a tree of life planted on each side of the river, producing 12 kinds of fruit, a ripe fruit each momth.  The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

Never again will anything be cursed.

The throne of God and the Lamb is at the Centre.

His servants will offer God service - worhsipping....

And they will rule with Him age after age after age...





20210403- Green Corridor Biking

30th March 2021- Green Corridor (Jelita sector to Rail Mall ) reopens


8:30am : Rode to Ghim Moh for Breaky

9:00am : Came to this junction at Holland Drive - into the Green Corridor

Beautiful houses on the left

Clementi Woods forest

Made a Turnaround here at the black bridge along Bukit Timah Road

Partially sheltered pavement home...

10:30 am - Completed the 16 KM Biking!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

20210401 - Arrival of New Yamaha Keyboard! Why?


29/3/21! Oh Yeah! The Arrival of my New Yamaha P125!
(After a long waitlist of more than 2 months...thanks to Covid Discuption of Supplies!)


I have always admired our Creator God.
He made the universal love language - music in just 7 little notes!
With different tempo, arrangement and beats - this love language gels or unifies the cross culture world of Beings.
The Africans rock.  The Indians shake. The Middle Easterns bellies. And what have not the rest of the beautiful tribal groups on earth.

But music is lost when one of the keys - yes just one note key is MISSING!

It just sounded weird if one note is gone.

Yes, that was what happened to my old keyboard.

One day, the G note just become dumb. It got muted! And then I had to bid it GOODBYE.

A Chord needs 3 notes.  TWO just won't make it.
Some melody needs the G note.  So the melody was not complete.

So yes, it reminded me of the parable of the LOST sheep.  Just one - yes the Chief Shepherd has to leave the 99 sheep in order to find the one which is LOST!

A NEW ONE - given to me as a Birthday present by beloved John

So now I begin my music making! Tang! Tang! Tang!

What I like most is that it comes with a headphone!
Now I can even practice at NIGHT!!!! YES! Without disturbing any souls with my tang tang tang! (DAY TOO! LOL ....still a lousy player!)

So here is the new keyboard with the song "OH I WANT TO KNOW YOU MORE"....

VS the Cheaper instrument - the GUITAR!

Do you know that the piano is actually also a string instrument?
Just that today modern technology had 'Shrunk' the strings to E type!
So now this piano is SLEEK & SLIM! No more Baby Grand!


THE King of Kings!


20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...