Wednesday, April 7, 2021

20210401 - Arrival of New Yamaha Keyboard! Why?


29/3/21! Oh Yeah! The Arrival of my New Yamaha P125!
(After a long waitlist of more than 2 months...thanks to Covid Discuption of Supplies!)


I have always admired our Creator God.
He made the universal love language - music in just 7 little notes!
With different tempo, arrangement and beats - this love language gels or unifies the cross culture world of Beings.
The Africans rock.  The Indians shake. The Middle Easterns bellies. And what have not the rest of the beautiful tribal groups on earth.

But music is lost when one of the keys - yes just one note key is MISSING!

It just sounded weird if one note is gone.

Yes, that was what happened to my old keyboard.

One day, the G note just become dumb. It got muted! And then I had to bid it GOODBYE.

A Chord needs 3 notes.  TWO just won't make it.
Some melody needs the G note.  So the melody was not complete.

So yes, it reminded me of the parable of the LOST sheep.  Just one - yes the Chief Shepherd has to leave the 99 sheep in order to find the one which is LOST!

A NEW ONE - given to me as a Birthday present by beloved John

So now I begin my music making! Tang! Tang! Tang!

What I like most is that it comes with a headphone!
Now I can even practice at NIGHT!!!! YES! Without disturbing any souls with my tang tang tang! (DAY TOO! LOL ....still a lousy player!)

So here is the new keyboard with the song "OH I WANT TO KNOW YOU MORE"....

VS the Cheaper instrument - the GUITAR!

Do you know that the piano is actually also a string instrument?
Just that today modern technology had 'Shrunk' the strings to E type!
So now this piano is SLEEK & SLIM! No more Baby Grand!


THE King of Kings!


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