Wednesday, September 22, 2021

20210923_A thanksgiving Praise to YWHW for 64 Tanglin Halt

 Presentation of flowers, biscuits and choc on 23/9/21

FACT: Pickleball is LOUD! TIK TOK TIK TOK. (Not that mobile kind!)
FACT: At Blk 64, we annoyed one lady!
FACT: We had to run away from her
FACT: We want to make peace with apology

Problem? We did not know where she stayed exactly! LOL
Problem? Not sure when we will see her again. So cannot get the REAL Flowers or chocs that will melt....worst still, the biscuits and chocs might land up in our tummy instead? LOL

But on 23/9/21 - with all the gifts done up, we the THREE (3) brave ladies marched to the block to HUNT for her instead of being hunted this time!

So before we started our hunt, YH (who was the one who initiated this apology with gifts) and E and I PRAYED at the block for favour and opportune appointment!

We walked up and down the back of the block.  Then suddenly, E spotted her looking out of the window at us!  We waved with our flowers and told her we wanted to meet her!

And the rest is His-tory!

She was not angry but instead she was in smiles. Seemed so happy to see us (which was not expected by us cos we kind of was in fear after the arrows of vulgarities hurled at us on court on several occasions!)

Got to know her and we presented the gift.

Really this is the Lord's work.  Not us. 

Matt 5:9  Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.

Her name is DK. Peace Deal was done. Prayed for her. Invited her to join us for PB!

Only by His Grace.
May she find Love, Healing in the days ahead!

20210921- Jurassic Mile, Changi Sailing Club & Fairy Point

Big Foot, Little Foot? @ Jurassic Mile on 21/9/21!

10:20am  Arrived at T4.  Hot and sunny! But apparently pouring in Hougang

Thank God, there was some shade along this Jurassic Mile!
Cannot remember all the XXX-sauras! Wish I am back in my below TENs!
Kids kinda are so good at their names.
Okay. At least I managed to identify THREE (3) of them! Hooray!
From the 1988 Movie "The land before Time"
So there was, Little Foot - the ApatoSAURUS, 
Cute Cera- the Tricerotops and Spike - the StegoSAURUS!
2 were not found at the Mile - Duckie and Petrie!

Oh love Little Foot!!! I saranhyayo!!

Me with "Spike" the Stegosaurus! Blues...

11am _ Completed the 2.4km walk! Short and sweet and educational.

Decided to drive off for a car ride along Changi Coastal highway to Changi Village.

Settled into this rustic alfresco cafe at the Changi Sailing Club.
Reasonable meal.  Pretty good business! Glad for them as compared to the earlier quiet at Jurassic Mile.

Kopi for $3, Char Kway Teow for $9, Fish and chips $14.50 and pork chop for $14 plus...
Windy.  Nice coconut trees.  Nice sail boats and catamarans out in the sea.

After the food, all became ZZZZZZZZ....

Guess it was good to end up at the Fairy Point .  Afterall, Land before Time was kind of a fairy tale animated movie. Time to doze  off...

So here is the full video....Milo Dinosaurs, anyone??

Did you hear my scream as we enter the park?  EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

20210917&18- The nite I saw Jupiter! & perhaps Saturn?

17&18th September 2021- Stellar Star Gazing Nite!

I remember the year 12.12.12.  My first Venus sighting.
Then came 2016 in Perth, saw Saturn & its ring via telescope.
Now, 17,18 Sep 2021 - the Moon -Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

Finally, I decided to download the sky map apps on my mobile!

I got excited. And I hope my friends and love ones were triggered to lift their eyes to the skies.  To behold other planets visible to our naked eyes!

In the old school days, I memorised 9 planets' names.
Today, I just found out PLUTO was kicked out! 
Left only 8! Mercury (nearest to the sun), Venus, EARTH, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Which is the biggest? JUPITER!
Which is the smallest ? Mercury
Earth is #5!


My heart will go on.......

What an awesome creator god who made the universe and the galaxy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

20210914- Bike Sembawang - Woodlands via Admiralty Park ! Woof Dogs!

What a welcoming pack of dogs at Sembawang Park
upon our arrival around 10:30am on 14th sep 2021!

The Best of it all! Admiring the Admiralty Park Homes! 


The pack of more than 10 dogs, obedient indeed, greeted us at the park .
Lovely brood.  Could'nt help but to take group photo with them!

You know, dogs are faithful animals.  We read about them and their owners.
Have you seen the movie "Pachinko"?

ABBA's latest song in 2021 after their 40 years disappearance was "I still have faith in you".

& the 40 years....

Came back from the 20km bike with lots of thoughts in my head.
The quietness of Sembawang Park.
The majestic Black & white homes in Admiralty Park.
The names of Kings , Queens, and all the fanciful Canadian cities names. one can imagine the disbanded ABBA can make this comeback.
More interestingly, in the form of Virtual AI live concert come this Nov 2021 in London.

Do you have faith?
Faith in??

Guess all of us surely exercise some faith in one form or another.
We have faith in the chair we put our bum bum on.
We have faith that the driver of the bus or cab we hop on do bring us..
We have faith in the water we drink from the tap...

But most importantly.....

We have faith in an invisible God whose name is YWHW.

We cannot see the coronavirus but we know its devastating effects.
Can we now placed our faith in an invisible God now once our life is on the line?

Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Some trust in chariots.  But let us put our faith in the one who is able to carry us through in the life which ends on earth.


20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...