Sunday, September 19, 2021

20210917&18- The nite I saw Jupiter! & perhaps Saturn?

17&18th September 2021- Stellar Star Gazing Nite!

I remember the year 12.12.12.  My first Venus sighting.
Then came 2016 in Perth, saw Saturn & its ring via telescope.
Now, 17,18 Sep 2021 - the Moon -Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

Finally, I decided to download the sky map apps on my mobile!

I got excited. And I hope my friends and love ones were triggered to lift their eyes to the skies.  To behold other planets visible to our naked eyes!

In the old school days, I memorised 9 planets' names.
Today, I just found out PLUTO was kicked out! 
Left only 8! Mercury (nearest to the sun), Venus, EARTH, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Which is the biggest? JUPITER!
Which is the smallest ? Mercury
Earth is #5!


My heart will go on.......

What an awesome creator god who made the universe and the galaxy!

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