Wednesday, September 15, 2021

20210914- Bike Sembawang - Woodlands via Admiralty Park ! Woof Dogs!

What a welcoming pack of dogs at Sembawang Park
upon our arrival around 10:30am on 14th sep 2021!

The Best of it all! Admiring the Admiralty Park Homes! 


The pack of more than 10 dogs, obedient indeed, greeted us at the park .
Lovely brood.  Could'nt help but to take group photo with them!

You know, dogs are faithful animals.  We read about them and their owners.
Have you seen the movie "Pachinko"?

ABBA's latest song in 2021 after their 40 years disappearance was "I still have faith in you".

& the 40 years....

Came back from the 20km bike with lots of thoughts in my head.
The quietness of Sembawang Park.
The majestic Black & white homes in Admiralty Park.
The names of Kings , Queens, and all the fanciful Canadian cities names. one can imagine the disbanded ABBA can make this comeback.
More interestingly, in the form of Virtual AI live concert come this Nov 2021 in London.

Do you have faith?
Faith in??

Guess all of us surely exercise some faith in one form or another.
We have faith in the chair we put our bum bum on.
We have faith that the driver of the bus or cab we hop on do bring us..
We have faith in the water we drink from the tap...

But most importantly.....

We have faith in an invisible God whose name is YWHW.

We cannot see the coronavirus but we know its devastating effects.
Can we now placed our faith in an invisible God now once our life is on the line?

Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Some trust in chariots.  But let us put our faith in the one who is able to carry us through in the life which ends on earth.


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