Friday, December 9, 2022

20221209- Retrospect-Reflect-RESET 2023

 Restrospect 2022  Reflect  2023 Reset 

 Today I spend my time doing my last journal (probably) for 2022. 

Not sure if u had watched this recent C-drama “Reset”? A thriller and mystery drama like Groundhog Day - where this university student and the game designer got caught in a time loop. Each time they sleep and awaken to another similar day. To solve the mystery of a bus explosion. 

It was a pretty engaging drama. But what caught my attention was their OST. The song Reset sang by Charlie Zhou. His angelic ethereal voice spanning 3 octaves.  More so the lyrics reminded me more of Jesus Christ.  The meaning of His birth on this year. And the reason for my living.  

So year end in December is my usual Retrospect. Reflection. So this year , I ended with Reset. Something I gleaned after watching this drama. 

Love Charlie’s voice. Think a little God’s given talent. 

As we come towards the end of 2022, some of us may have our own little challenges. I am not spared either. But I am glad I know Him.  He is always there for me as this song expressed. Funny the lyrics seemed “Christian” but not too sure how the song writer thoughts were when he wrote it. The music was a ballad.  And Charlie sang it so well that I love to hear it with my eyes closed. Heavenly voice. 

So here is to you a good bye to 2022! May U too , have a wonderful reflection 2022 and new resolution for 2023. ❤️


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