Wednesday, May 17, 2023

20230516 - Doulos Hope ship!

 This few days been so HOT! 

So perhaps we got a pretty nice sunset today! The Red Glow!

An interesting trip on board this ship which was just commissioned in may 2023.


Video explains it all!



What is hope?

Lately I wish and hope that friendship will remain as long as I live  

But guess it is fat Hope? Lol

I hope that relationships will not be strained  

But guess it is slim hope? Lol

Looking back , I am so thankful that I know a Father God whose attributes is one of Hope  

Rom15:13 says “ May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy SPirit you may abound in hope”

Rom 12 :12 also says “ Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation . Be constant in prayer “

Thank you Lord for the Hope !


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