Thursday, May 4, 2023

20230504- Flight Path! Doha - Sin

 My flight video musings!
So nice to be 🏡 home! 
Is 66:1
This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?

If God is now looking down at us….can you imagine Him resting His foot on this little round globe? 🌎 😂 ( I was imagining on the plane watching this flight screen)

And this 🌏 hangs in space among the other planetary system day in and out in rotation and orbit?

And the aero plane ✈️ defies gravity carrying the 200 over passengers in the air?

My love to fly. But will never be able to be a pilot. Too many instruments to handle. And too many maths calculation too! So can only be a passenger!

Paid $1600 on Qatar for 16 hour journey (SQ was $3k plus! For 13 hour direct ) Guess for now , space trip of $300k is not within reach yet. Lol. 30000ft for this flight for now. Will dream on to float within the capsule in near future!

It is a beautiful sight to behold our earth from above. Looking at the clouds , the seas, the rivers and the countries as the mechanical big bird fly over!

Think Heaven will be a wonderful place!

The flight video!

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