Sunday, July 11, 2010

8/7/2010:Quantum leap and Rainbow

May you be encouraged with this "lower bandwidth" rainbow as we now know due to the fallen world ...Attended this Quantum Leap conference by Dr David Van Koeveruing .This was taken on Day 2 - 8/7/2010. I walked home from church and had this little drizzle coming down at me. SMSed to my hubby to pray that it would not rain as we would suppose to have tennis at 7pm. As I got home, I thought the conditions were right for a rainbow sighting. So out went I to the usual home balcony, but could not see one about about 6:15pm? Quiff feeling? Ha Ha. But a little disappointed not seeing one.

To my amazement, as we got down to the courts at 7:10, there the rainbow stood. My heart took not just a leap of joy but rather a "quantum leap" of joy! And of course, God answered our prayers - there was no rain and so we had our tennis! Best of all, He gave me this rainbow knowing I was 'looking for it earlier at the balcony" Ha Ha Ha!I think when we really get to heaven, yes - indeed the colours would be exceeding this 7 colours. More radiant as we would be in that upper bandwidth by then.To me, this rainbow is yet again a reminder of our Father's covnenantal love for us. 7 - perfect number. Rainbows always fill my heart with joy and anticipation. (like William Shakespeare quoted : My heart leaps for joy when I behold a rainbow" Are you numb to rainbow sightings? May be to some, you might say "So what?"..But to me , each time I see a rainbow, I thought it was my angel who painted it for me!

For all that quantum physics & periodic elements table memories that were brought to my mind in those school days during these past 3 days , it is a better appreciation of what science and the bible is all about. Science today will continue to confirm what the Word of God says. Our human mind is too minute to understand His ways. His awesome creative power. Now beginning to appreciate the difference in the Gen 1:3 when He said "let there be light" and the other formation of the 2 great lights that followed in v14...Col 1:15 for by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...all things were created by him and for him. V17 He is before all things and in him all things hold together. Well well..Jesus Himself declared " I am the light of the world..".those electrons are paired together indeed. One affect the other in the unseen world - thanks to Science and today's technological advancement.

May we all take that quantum leap of faith. Faith in Hebrews 11 is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. V3 says that by faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Now Genesis, in the beginning makes more sense, isn't it?

Light and waves. Photons, electrons, atoms, sub-atoms..all this thing called nanotechnology...I do not understand what was that periodic table of elements was during schooldays. All I remembered was that we were told to memorise those numbers, short names and even their atomic mass! And our human body is made up of about 93% of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen! Interesting. Those invisible qualities now more quantifiable through scientific breakthroughs!
Think about it - how in the world can that little CD or DVD play back those music and videos?? Ever wondered about those devices and the inventors behind such things? Today we have medical breakthroughs of nano inputs that can kill only cancer cells and not the good cells. That's how precise it is!

May rainbows colour our life in this world. We are alive because Jesus has not done with us yet. We love because He first loved us. And hope in Christ will never disappoint. We have got a home in gloryland that outshines the sun. Times may be tough on earth but behind each rain, we can catch that rainbow of hope when the Son shines through!
We need Him indeed to hold us together. Only in HIM can we have our being. Do you have Him ?

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