Friday, March 3, 2017

20170303: Matt 26:36 Garden of Gethsemane - The pain and suffering?

Matt 26:39" My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will"

Recently, one of the loved ones in my family suffering from cancer experienced not only intensity but also heightened frequency of the pain in this last few weeks post CNY.  Helpless watch.

Perhaps this passage in the famous Garden of Gethsemane became more alive to me than before.  About the pain and suffering that our Lord Jesus Christ had to endure- knowing that it would have to come to pass.  

Even Jesus experienced "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death"
Three times - He asked..."If it be possible...or if this cup may not pass away from me..."..."Not as I will, but your will...your will be done"

Gethsemane , Jesus loves me 
So he went willingly to Gethsemane

He felt all that was sad, wicked or bad
All the pain we would ever know
While his friends were asleep
He fought to keep
His promise made long ago

The hardest thing that ever was done
The greatest pain that ever was known
The biggest battle that ever was won
This was done by Jesus
The fight was won by Jesus

Gethsemane, Jesus loves me
So He gives His gift to me, From Gethsemane

One of the names of Yahweh is that of Jehovah Rapha - the Lord who heals
For a terminal patient fighting between the line of life and death, freedom from pain vs the imprisonment of suffering of pain and drugs - there lies a question : If Jesus is who He said to be - the One who heals, why can't He take away this pain right now? When O When O Lord, will I be healed from this disease?

For us bystanders in witness of loved ones going through such trying times, what would our prayers be? For healing despite of the downward trend of the physical sight of the loved ones? 

The words of this song Gethsemane says it all.  

Despite knowing the Lord in this earthly pilgrimage, all of us will still have to journey to another better place that He had already prepared for us.  The day He conquered sin and death on the cross at Calvary.
His pre-death experience in agony with sweats of blood in prayer - even He asked if that pain could be taken away from Him.  But yet in His obedience, He submitted to not his own will, but that of His Father's will be done.

Why? So that you and I can enjoy the eternal life offered by Him on that cross.

No amount of vitamins, or MLM anti-ageing products will help our aging body of mortality.  Ps 90 says that our life is 70, if not 80. 

We submit to that eventuality of physical death.

But death o death where do you sting?

Not to those who know the Chief Shepherd.  Those who hear His voice.

Yea, we look to the Heavenly dwelling where He has prepared for us.

In Revelation, where He would wipe away our tears.

Till Lord, may your mercy and grace be always with us.

Thank you for your love.  Your gift from Gethsemane.

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