Sunday, March 19, 2017

20170311- Gunung Pulai Climb!..Ps24:3

Ps24:3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?

On 11/3/2017, some of us decided to do a mountain climb! Sudden interest after visiting Kulai twice this month and stumble upon Gunung Pulai base mountain after a wrong turn!

One thing for sure- this wooden rod or staff given to us in 2015? was so useful for this mountain climbing!

 We started at 10:15am from the base of the mountain..
We reached the top at about past noon. And made it to the base back about 2:50pm (all in about 3.5hours of walking....and panting perhaps for some especially towards the summit last leg where the gradient of slope was about 40 degrees at some turns..)

 Remembered the insect repellent but forgotten to put sun block! Even though the weather was still quite cool with surrounding greens! UV!!!

 So we did made it to the top and back! So proud of my 71 year old sister who met this challenge!

Gunang Pulai was not as scenic as the Castle Rock mountain we climbed last Sep in Albany.  However it was more cardio work out this time for us even though it was a tarmac road and not the jungle trek.  We were wondering why? Perhaps the weather made all the difference? Also in terms of distance and hours, Pulai was definitely more challenging!


The highlight of this climb was when we were at the Peak. Unfortunately, none of us could read the signs in Malay.  It was a restricted area which 2 pax wandered unknowingly into. One of them happened to a stranger we met on the way up the mountain.  It was quite a scene to hear loud commotions where we were sight seeing.  Then before we knew it, we witnessed an unforgettable motorbike chase scene (like from the movie!).  Two soldiers interrogated in intensity fro "trespassing"! Who would not have been frightened?! With one carrying an AK rifle?
LOL.  And then a sad tale of the account of the person involved in the situation while we descended down.

What a memory of Gunung Pulai! Next trip perhaps we will try the jungle trail instead!

Mountain Thots...
I never enjoyed climbing uphill. Not my cup of tea.  Give me tennis or table tennis anytime! Nevertheless, quite proud that I did 2 mountain climbs within a year.  

Ps 24:3 "Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?"

If my elderly sister can make it to this task, I am sure many others too can do it!

Do we need clean hands and a pure heart to do so? or one that does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false?

I guess by my own merit I cannot.  But with the grace & mercy of the Lord who has picked me up once from the miry clay, forgiven me as I turned away from my own sinful way, I can ascend the hill of the LORD.

Moses (Deut32:49), Jonathan ( 1 Sam 14:8113) and Elijah (1 Kings 18:42) - all these men did a mountain climb as commanded by the Lord during their time. Because they sought the Lord .

So may we too be always reminded the mountains before us.  Despite whatever challenges the climb may be, may we be always seeking Him, Seeking His face. That is perhaps all we need to do in this very epoch time!

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