Thursday, August 22, 2019

20190818- X Park Iskandar JB : A Zippy Faith reflection

X PARK Iskandar, JB 16/8 -18/8/2019

Imagine a group of semi-retirees or retirees(late 40s, 50s and 60s) engaging in EXTREME sports??

Well, this was what happened during this period!

And we did it!

Xpark Iskandar, Sunway was just opened recently.  In fact we were the first to occupy their Glamping facilities:)

  • Looks Glam. But design issue as the glass tops were not suitable for our hot weather.  Hot even with fan and aircon on full blast.  At night the lamp-post lights shone right in rendering sleep affected :) LOL

Flying Fox (RM50)

This new Zipline is the longest in Malaysia now.  700m long but in 2 segments of 400m and 300m.  
Enjoyed it so much that John and I did it twice in 2 separate days!

According to the rangers, the speed of this zip is very dependant on the weather and wind conditions.  Sometimes, the participant may not reach the platform if the winds are against the flow.
As for us, the winds were with us. So....the platform was seemingly high and I almost couldn't stop in time!

Go Kart (RM60)

Zoom zoom was quite fun....

ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) - RM30

I couldnt' seem to control this did not really enjoy this ATV.
However, good experience to ride such a big bike!

Paint Ball (Or Pain ball? )

At first we did not know what to expect. After opting for the game, we starting wearing the overalls.  However, thank God we decided to unrobe and do the Target shooting instead!
Glad we make the change!
Cos it was not only paint ball...but also PAIN ball!

One got hit so bad, another on the head, on neck and even knuckle! OUCH!

High Rope (RM40/60)
Did not try this ...too hot and tired...but some did!
Strenous climb :(

X-men & X-Women!


For many of us, this Xtreme sports was a first trial in our lifetime!

The Zipline or flying fox was a dare event for many who are afraid of heights.
Despite the recent death of a tourist in Chiangmai zipline still fresh in my mind (April 2019), I could still trust my life on this zippy line for 700m!

Imagine the Swiss Cable (hook itself cost more than RM1500) holding the weight of a human being of 60kg? Such is the wonder of the cable cars and technology.

I have always love flying.

So this foxy lady went for it not just once but twice! LOL.

What is FAITH?
How could one trust in that small cable hook hanging on the steel line?
Unless, one takes the FIRST step to step off, one would not appreciate if that hook can hold one fast.

Just as I trusted Jesus as my personal Saviour, to save me from my sins, I took a step of faith inviting him to come into my heart and take control of my life.
It was a step of faith.  Cos until today, I cannot see God face to face.

But I know His presence.  I know He holds my hand. In Him I put my trust.

So, this was a zippy encounter.  

Some may call it crazy to zip through 700m in the air. 
But it was a great experience. 
I am still alive after travelling through this small narrow steel line with just a cable hook.


We mortals tend to have lots of mistrust in people.  Distrust in motives, agendas, hidden or otherwise.

But unlike a cat that has 9 lives (old wives' tales) , we only have one.

If there is now a wild fire raging where you are standing. And if Jesus or a fireman now comes along and offers a cable hook and line to bring you across to the other side of the lake away from the raging fire - a safe place, would you dare to trust Him and allow Him to bring you across?

The Choice is for you to make.

Choose while the day is here.  Harden not your heart.

Leap off.  Take that step of FAITH.

Monday, August 19, 2019

20190811-D5 A staycation at "Raffles Hotel"? Majaphahit Hotel, Surabaya

Majaphahit Hotel, Surabaya
Same Architect as our Raffles Hotel in Spore.

For the price of S$150 a nite, it was a great opportunity to have a taste of this "heavenly mansion"

So, in Surabaya, we had our foot/ body massages which cost even less than that in JB (which we thought it was already good...) but....this was even better or best in price!

With just under 2 hour in flight time from red dot to Surabaya costing about S$350 plus depending on season, would you consider this place for a look see?
For a weekend getaway to see Bromo and the waterfalls and a stay at "Raffles" and their Javanese cuisine...why not?


For E who missed her flight this trip, knocked her head in hotel, lost her beloved slippers in the falls, tt was tough going but perhaps a reflective trip.

We didn't get "Left Behind" afterall in the end but returned safely back home on this 54th National Day. (John's jacket and YN trekking poles) 

And I managed to finish this book which I borrowed from NLB.

  1. Gazing the stars and sunrise at Bromo wa a taste of the heavenlies
  2. Hearing the roaring waterfalls was a reminder of Revelation 22 of the pure river of life
  3. Staying at Majaphahit Hotel was yet another glimpse of the heavenly mansion which Jesus had already prepared for us

And I witnessed sheep/goats being slaughtered (Korban) in the little towns as Hari Raya Haji was 2 days after ND. That reminded me of the precious Lamb of God shed on the cross for me and you. Besides the redeeming love in Ruth. It is all about Grace.  Not about my righteousness but His.  A lamb so perfect without sin but yet took the sins on our behalf.

I started this second book "The discipline of Grace" in this trip.  It was so appropriate a reminder to us all.

God's Riches At Christ's Expense.

Who is the co-ordinator? LOL
Thanks to YN for the organizing efforts.

Above all....
Giving thanks to Him who had made this trip so memorable in so many ways.

20190810-D4 MADAKARIPURI waterfalls after Bromo

10/8/19 : Left Bromo mountain and set off to this Madakaripuri Waterfalls..

  • It was another adventure! Caught us unprepared...we had to remove our shoes and wear slippers
  • We were told to buy RAINCOATS...cos we were told we would be wet
  • We had to pillion ride on the motorbikes for about 2-3 km from where we parked to get into this waterfall...ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM...
  • We had to walked for another 30 min before we finally arrived at the first part of the waterfalls...admiring the green foliage... on bike and foot... was great
And the best was the waterfalls!

Only E & I decided to continue inwards to view this awesome waters with our guide...had to climb a small part of the rocky wall to get over to see the big waterfalls...breathtaking!

With E and guide's broken slippers, it was nevertheless - WORTH it all!

140m height and 20m deep in water!


6pm- Arrived at our Kampung Lumbung Boutique Hotel in Batu, Malang

Really a traditional wooden house concept.  Doors had the wooden padlock. Lights were so dim :) But the environment was rustic.
Weather was cool cos Batu, Malang sits on a hill.

Great satay hunting? Well, we did try them:) Their lamb satays had not lamby smell!


Our local tour guide Yoyo told us that in the past the vehicles could be driven near to the waterfalls.  However the local mayor decided to let the locals be more gainfully employed.  
  • So, the motor bikers were introduced so that the younger people can be Gojeks
  • They also trained their farmers to be tourist ambassodors where they get to earn extra income after their farming ended at 10am in the morning. They help to lead the tourists to the inner part of the waterfalls.  They were rotated for this job.
What a community to improve the local's livelihood.  President Jokowi's press for improved infrastructure in from East to Central and West Java is commendable.  

  • The Dutch came and gone in Indonesia. 
  • In Bangyuwangi, we saw the first Dutch sugar cane factory.
  • Mt Igyen, where the Blue Fire trek was so popular to Europeans was due to its founder who was a French.
  • In Surabaya - we visited the 150 year old Catholic Cathedral, built by missionaries.
  • And today in the city of Surabaya, we saw their newly opened 6th Mall (last year) which joined with 5 other malls! Much bigger than our Vivocity. And it boast of so many global brands.  (Imperial Treasure, Ka Soh Fish, Breadtalk..some of our local brands)

This trip ended with me thinking about our beloved Red Dot.
Even Surabaya - its second largest city is moving on...
And now, Capital City Jakarta may be relocated from Java to Kalimantan ( rising sea level and floods and traffic congestion and earthquakes issues?)

What can little Red Dot offer to Indonesians in the future?

20190809-D3 : Bromo & Orion & Crater Ash & ponies

Mt Bromo, Indonesia, 2800m High

8/8/19 - We arrived at our Bromo in the evening about 7pm.

Realised that highlands was indeed cold! 
Thank God we bought our red warm jackets at Bangyuwangi.  Not that expensive S$35 each.  Decided not to take a chance but there was also rental of jackets at this mountain for S$5. The Bromo Beanie was bought at S$2-50 each!

9/8/19 : Woke up at 2am! To prepare for our jeep ride (45 min ) to almost peak

Taking some shelter from the winds...

5am plus ....First glimpse of the horizon of morning dawn

By 6am...Oh gosh ! We were above the clouds at Bromo! So pretty!
No wonder freezing cold at 9000ft !

By 7:30 am...


Down the top to the mid level the Crater we came on ponies!
Full of volcanic ash on the ground..thanks to YN for the N95 masks!

At first we thought we could just take the ponies up to mid point where we can start trekking we dismounted except YN and J who went on...

See the car park in background? Then we decided to call for the ponies take us to the base of the steps to the crater!
But we could not locate them..they looked alike and we cannot recognize their handlers :) all covered up...

So a different pony we rode for the second half...that was the issue for our return trip back ...there was a pony in haggling with the handlers was about S$15 -20 for the entire journey..but we had changed ponies at half way point!

Second thots?
Would I consider trekking up this crater again? Apparently Bromo is an active volcano and it spews out ashes abundantly once every 5 years or so.  For which then this period of few weeks would be closed to tourist...

I have been forewarn about these ashes...and thank God we rode on the ponies to help us save some time walking.  But the steps to the top of the crater was very crowded.  Caused some jams. Some even went down the slopes instead of taking the steps - the courageous ones...

Had to wash my shoes at the hotel.  So dusty.  Had a good shower too.

er.....think once is enough experience for me :) LOL


Because we were at about 9000 ft above ground and the surrounding was still pitched dark at 4am...

I was awed by the numerous stars above!
And best of all, Orion looked big and clear! Even Jane could see it!
What an awesome star gaze!
John's Canon camera caught Orion big and clear! Whooo!!!

What a wonderful creator God we serve!

20190808-D2 Interesting Gula Melaka Factory/ Green Bay & Red Island- Teary Onion of Ruth Alive

Bangywangi : At a Gula Melaka making Factory

Day2 : 8/8/2019
Morning: Gula melaka factory
Our hotel in Bangyuwangi , Ketapang Indah was laced with coconut trees and faced Bali island.

It was no wonder that there was a gula melaka factory in this town.

  • Very educational tour! I did know that gula melaka is actually made from the water collected from the coconut FLOWERS!
  • Boiled for about 4 hours over heat with constant stirring
  • Transferred to little bowls to cool off!
  • Cannot imagine such a laborious process to produce a simple cube of gula melaka! Will cherish this even more now!
Afternoon: At Green Bay

One of the cool experience was taking this sampan to the Green Bay.  Cute sampan had two balancing poles (like the catamaran) to help it navigate in the waters!

We couldn't swim in this bay due to strong waves unfortunately.  Due to the change over in the monsoon season so the seas were unpredictable.

Evening: Red Island

We left Green Bay after eating our maggie noodles for lunch. There was a power trip and almost had no hot water for the cup noodles at the beach stall :(

Green Bay was not that green.
And Red Island was also not that red upon arrival!

The rays of the setting sun was supposed to make this Island red...but alas, the sun was not bright that day....

Looks more black island then red? LOL
This place is known for its good waves for surfers..but we saw few that day..Cold waters...

Some reflections

The journey from Surabaya to Bangyuwangi was an arduous 8 hour on roads including a lunch stop and some toilet breaks.

Hence unless one wants to climb Mt Ijen to see the Blue Flame, better wait for the full highway to be operational ! Ha ha ha.

We heard the trek was a little treacherous and long just to get to see this.  So we decided not to wake up at 2am to trek to just see this blue fire.  We wont prepared at all for this ....needed at least 6 hours (to and fro trek)

Perhaps next time ....Mt Ijen ...

Final Thots......

Guess we did not turn BLUE from the car ride nor GREEN with envy for missing the Ijen trek  or RED with anger after travelling such a long drive from Surabaya to Bangyuwanyi.....LOL

Why? It was a spiritual eye opener to see that the BOOK of RUTH in the bible was very much alive in this little town which boast of onions export.

These gleaning of onions by the poor in the fields by the owner left me almost tears in my eyes.
The bible is least in this part of Indonesia. 
Yes, the onions made me cry in joy!!!!

Kindness is indeed a virtue.  Boaz, the kinsman redeemer was such a kind man. He redeemed Ruth.

Like Jesus, He redeemed us. From our sins and all.

Titus 3:4
"But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit whom He poured out abundantly on us through Jesus Christ our Saviour, that having justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life."

Many of us in this rather unplanned trip would testify to His mercy and grace with our little own "left behind" moments.  PTL

Thursday, August 15, 2019

20190807-D1 : Surabaya- Banyuwangi - LEFT BEHIND?

[Our Hotel:  Ketapang Indah Cottages, Bangyuwangi- a place filled with many coconut trees with a view of Bali]
7/8/19 : The arduous road journey from Surabaya to Bangyuwangi...only 290km but we took more than 7 hours from point to point excluding a lunch stop and rest stops of another hour!

7:50am - Flight from T2 Changi Airport - Surabaya (about 2 hours flight time)
  • We almost missed our boarding at Gate D42! Why??? Because we checked in from T2 but we had to walk to T1 Jewel for this gate! Took us 20min to walk from Customs clearing point with the help of travellators to Board this plane! (Why did they not warn us about the gate at T1 earlier? Huh!)
  • And our friend E, did miss her plane! Not surprising if she had arrived at 7:15! As the airport was first of all crowded due to the long National Day weekend holidays.......having to walk 20 min thereabout to board the plane was the "mission impossible" :( unless one is Superman.
9am (Indonesian time) - 1 hour behind Spore - Arrival at Surabaya.
  • Almost left behind again - John's jacket was left on the plane in haste:(  But thank God we managed to retrieve it back from the Lost and Found Counter at the airport.

Late lunch midway after driving more than 4 hours!

On route to this town called Bangyuwangi - facing Bali : We saw
  • Padi fields
  • Onion fields
  • Tobacco fields....
  • and we found out later that it is also well known for their apples and small oranges plantations...

Memorable Reflection

When Yoyo, our guide explained that the above scene about the poor gleaning the leftover onions by the owner in that field, my heart lept for joy! Ruth - one of the books in the Bible suddenly came alive for me! This practice of old farming practice and kindness to the poor for gleaning is seemingly a live practice even in our modern today's world.  At least in this town in Indonesia. And reminded me of Boaz - the Kinsman Redeemer.  And this was an honorable ancestral lineage where Jesus came to later.

P/s : Poor E was resourceful and resolute.  Despite missing her SQ flight, she managed to take another Garuda flight to Jakarta, then unto Lion flight to Surabaya.  Cos the SQ flights were full. She managed to arrive at about 6pm at the airport and then finally arrived at Bangyuwangi hotel at 2am.  

But at a cost of course! Additional flight cost $290 plus another road trip $100.

Well.....Better late than never! And not left behind afterall.

Monday, August 5, 2019

20190805- Ps 147:4 He calls them out by name...stars and fishes

Today 5th Aug 2019, fish finally got its name!

Khock (Flower in Korean)
Orange O1 or 2?
Lily and Hilo
Hilo and Red Dot

Finally after more than 6 months after the new fish joined the old ones, I managed to name all of them today! Yeah!

Old Fish :
1. Red Head
2. Koila (pretty mixed flower like)
3. Koile (red one)
4. Koili (red one)
5. Lihao (White with red dot )
6. Lily (white with 3 dots)
7. Litu (white with tumor)

New Fish
1. Hilo (silver aluminium - most expensive one)
2. Zebra
3. Goldie (yellow)
4. Little red Dot
5. Fed (shimmering orange with black back)
6. Raf (Shimmering with orange head)
7. Nad (Shimmering with white head)
8. Hana ( Flower in Japanese - 3 pretty orange like flowers)
9. Khock (Flower in korean - 2 pretty orange like flowers)
10. O1 (Orange)
11.O2 (Orange) - both looked alike - twins orange :)

Total : 18 Fish!

Now I am able to identify all of them except for the twins!


I am reminded of Ps 147:4. If our creator God counts the number of stars and calls them by name, why can't I?

But to assign the name to its fish already took me more than half a year to get to know and recognise each one! So I am awed by Him who is able to COUNT the number of stars and also name each one! There are millions of them!

And me, just to COUNT the 18 of them swimming in the water is already a feat! Already seeing STAR-FISHES!#$%%$%%*(*((*&##%^^!

Ps 147:1

Indeed "Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful"


"He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He takes no pleasure in the legs of man. 
The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
In those who hope in His mercy."


20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...