Monday, June 8, 2020

20200604- Leviticus in One Month at Mt Sinai!

On 4/6/2020, I completed my reading of Leviticus

 A complete overview of Levititus

The 5 Feasts Offerings

Where the rules were given @ Mt Sinai 30 days...........

 A scrabble summary of Leviticus?

Some Reflections
As I was reviewing the 5 offerings, I was in awe of the meticulous rites and instructions given by God to Moses and the priests. The different offerings - for God, what to be eaten and what not to be consumed.  The different animals & its sex for sacrifice - depending on how wealthy one was, taken into account.  The significance of the blood, the laying of the hands unto the head of the sacrifice.  The different sins of different category of people required different atonement. And compensation of even more when one had a trespass. It was all fair and square.

The grain offering - I began to appreciate the yeast and no yeast concept . Unleavened significance (remember the passover night where there was no time to pack and run off) More so I started to learn to make bread during this covid lock down.  Had to buy some yeast to try! It was quite fun to see the dough doubled its size in one hour!

The fire at the Brazen Altar was not to go out.  Had to be kept burning and burning.  Wow!

Being in Covid lockdown, the term "quarantine " caught my attention!  Back in those days of old, this was already happening when there was a disease. 

Final thots
So Leviticus, a book of laws and rites for the priests mainly.
All written within the 30 days at base camp of Mt Sinai, 1405BC.

Leviticus - All about Sacrifice Sanctification 

Am I not glad that we no longer need to do what the priests had to do as sacrifice for atonement of our sins?
Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, already died on the cross for us all. That is atonement of the highest level! The sacrificed blood of Jesus!

  • How can we keep ourselves holy because He is Holy?
  • What does it mean to obey ?
  • Did God not say that obedience is better than sacrifice? 1 Sam 15:22
It used to be only priests are allowed into the Holy of Holies.
But when Jesus was crucified , that veil was torn.
For us who confessed our sins, repent of our old ways and had invited Jesus into our lives as Saviour King, we are now His royal priesthood.
We can enter into His presence without the need of another human priest or pastor. 

And how glad I am for His grace and mercy daily.
We may want to be holy yes.  But in our flesh, we still do commit sins- either knowingly or unknowingly.

Thank God He had provided us a way out through 1 John 1:8-10 (Msg) 

"If we claim that we're free from sin, we are only fooling ourselves.  A claim like this is errant nonsense.  On the other hand, if we admit our sins - make a clean breast of them - he won't let us down, he'll be true to himself.  He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrong doings. "

Covid had brought much fear in many !
Chaos had brought much insecurity in USA.
Look to Christ only - He is our Peace!
Not Man, but YWHW.

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