Tuesday, June 16, 2020

20200615 - JUDE- one of the 5 shortest Books! ONLY JESUS!

Completed Jude in June 2020!

Having completed Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus - I decided to take a read at the shorter books of the Bible before I jumped to Numbers!

Do u know the 5 shortest books in the Bible?

Well Jude is not the shortest! It ranked 5th. Lol

Jude was written way back around 68AD to 80AD. Some years after
Jesus was crucified. It was a chaotic time with the Jewish wars which started. The temple of Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD. 

So, Jude was an end time book. 


1. COVid19
2. USA riots. Racial tension


Interestingly, about 3 years back during June, I was thinking of 1Thess 4;16-17 "What is meant by caught up in the air"? Back then , there was bombing in London and terrorism on the rise.

Each time the world went chaotically crazy, we think of END TIMES!

Getting older, hopefully wiser as the crown of white hair appears at the roots everyday now.  As I completed Jude this time in 2020, strangely -
Rapture? Pre Tribulation, mid Trib or post Tribulation, somehow did not excite me as when I was younger.

There was no point asking pastors or learned teachers of the Word - simply because humans as we are, we just don't know.  Only the Father knows.
Matt 24:36 " But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels nor the Son, but the Father alone"

And there is no need to probe into the 3 scenerios of the tribulation. (who knows we may be already 6 feet underground - so tribulations? what tribulations? Ha ha ha)

Justice - there will be a Judgement Day in the future date set aside. Take Heart.

What does Jude Tell us?
In the world of fears of chaos of lawlessness in the looting seen through our very eyes in USA now, the fears of an unseen enemy in the COVID19 virus, the increasing quaking of the earth and weird sounds and signs from the sky - 

Jude reminds us 2 main things:-

Fight the Faith!
1. For ourselves first
  • Pray in the Holy Spirit
  • Stay right in the centre of God's love
  • Keep our arms open, ready for His mercy!

2. For Others
  • Go easy on those who hesitate in the faith (backsliden ones)
  • Go after those who take the wrong way
  • Be tender with sinners BUT not soft on SIN!

Enjoy this Casting Crown song "ONLY JESUS"

During this chaotic times, what is your are your thoughts about end times?
What kind of legacy do you want to live behind since we have only ONE life?
Did I live the truth to the ones I love?
Was my life the proof that there is only one,
whose name will last forever?

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