Friday, June 19, 2020

20200617 - Obadiah [ 2nd shortest book in the bible - Only shortest book in OT]

On 17/6/2020, completed Obadiah!
[servant or worshipper of YHWH]

Had to revisit Genesis genealogy again!

Why was Edom mentioned by Obadiah in such a short book?
How Edom came about through the descendants of Esau -the twin brother of Jacob?
Why was the hate relationship between the twin brothers so intense from the start of the birthright and father's (Isaac)  blessings over them?


Hmm, Judgement Day again for the godless ones.

Be like Obadiah -
Be a worshipper of YWHW.
Be a servant of YWHW.

Don't be an Esau, Edomite, Idumean. 
Don't be godless.


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