Wednesday, November 11, 2020

20201107- A Don Moen Zoom Time! Music is not Worship and Worship is not Music!


7/11/2020 : Sat Morning! Live with Don Moen 

Started to doodle as I began listening to Don's Worship and teaching session over ZOOM.

Before I logged into the ZOOM room, I had prepared my cup of Kopi for my morning cuppa!

So it was so great to hear Don's affirmation that one thing good about this Covid for worship was that we could have our little coffee as we worship in our own little spaces! Awesome!

Summary of the Webinar Worship:- (John 4:23 , John14:26)

  1. Music is not Worship and Worship is not Music!
  2. Worship is not based on musical style!
  3. So what is WORSHIP? It is sincere, heartfelt, motivated by gratitude *SPIRIT* - rooted in the unchanging timeless WORD of God *TRUTH*
Do you wish to go back to "Normal"?
This COVID change has forced us to rethink about what is norm. 
Not nec bad as we remember Rom8:28.

We embrace technology. The virtual screens and walls that connect even more people that we can ever imagine!

What does Rev 1:7 really mean "Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him..." or Luke 21:27 " And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven"

Cloud Computing.  Cloud Storage. Real Time! Internet of Things! 5G!
FinTech! Blockchain! 
 Maranatha Lord Jesus!

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