Friday, November 13, 2020

20201108- Chestnut? Dairy Farm? What a Cool Sunday Morning Walk!


What an unique flower captured at the Singapore Quarry!

We started at 7:30am... ended back at 9am...
So cool this day! No sunny sun!

As we walked past CHIJ- I saw all these figurines! What a capture too!

A great reminder of my Lord Jesus Christ - He was the Cross bearer for our sins so that we can obtain righteousness through Him and not by our own works.

Amen to His Grace! God's Richest At Christ's Expense! Costly one!

Reminded of Matt 9:12 " I will have MERCY, and not sacrifice; for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"

Mercy indeed! God's not giving us what we deserve

when Grace is God's giving us what we do not deserve!

Are you a good person?

If you are not- thank God, you qualify to receive His grace and mercy!

Who needs a doctor? The healthy or the sick? Jesus asked in Matt 9:13

Who says that there are no great graffiti wall art here in little Red Dot?
Here are some at the Rail Mall! Love these 2 young men poses! LOL

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