Monday, November 30, 2020

20201124 _ Bike : A bridges night along Singapore River and the beautiful Marina Bay


Bridges photos captured on a Tuesday Nite 24/11/20
More than 10 bridges along the Singapore River!

Different Vantage point of MBS from the Bay

It was a last minute decision to bike on this cool Tuesday evening.
Because of the gloomy wet weather, our couple friend backed out.
But the rain did not come.

So at about 6:40pm, we decided to strike out for this nite bike.

Did we regret? Oh no. It was such a COOL evening. We hardly perspired !

And best of all - the river side views were awesome.

The side cafes had bustling business !

For the first time , we entered into Fullerton Building and rode past Customs House. 
 The old Clifford Pier.
View from Customs House

Entering into the MBFC - Line of Christmas trees....

 Into the marina bay to MBS, Helix 

View from the F1 tracks

and ended up at Esplanade where we had our dinner at the Makansutra food street.

After dinner, we rode past Padang and the National Gallery 

National Gallery of Singapore

War Memorial

St Andrew Cathedral 

High Street Fire Station

Killiney Road, Orchard Road
to Orchard 

Ion Singapore

and back home at 10pm!
(3 and a half hours trip!)

And it was a cool evening, yes!
Enjoyable trip!

Bridges Reflections

Interestingly, the word "bridges' do not seem to appear in the bible.

And crossings are significant.  Well, like the Red Sea Crossing from the land of slavery to a new beginning.

So says Deuteronomy 6:1-3 
" Now this is the commandment and these are the statutes and judgments which the LORD your God has commanded to teach you, that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to possess that you may fear the LORD your God , to keep all His statutes and His commandments which i commanded you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged.  Therefore, hear. O Israel, and be careful to observe it, that it may be well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as the LORD God of your fathers has promised you - 'a land flowing with milk and hone'"

Tonite, I saw more than 10 crossings in this little Singapore River in little red dot. 

The year 2020 is almost coming to an end in about ONE more month time.  Yep, good reflection for the year filled with this little invisible, destructive and life changing BUG!  Made many crossed indeed.  But change it is here to stay! Cross over and move on!

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