Wednesday, December 23, 2020

20201224 _ Nice to be remembered for service...Oh HONEY

Received this from our church! What a surprise!

Covid has practically changed the way we 'worship'.
No longer in big groups of fellowship.
At most 5 in a boat..
And it was only recently increased from 50 to more than 100 in places of worship.

This invisble C19 has changed and made us think deeper into our very own relationship with Christ and others.

It reminded us what is FREEDOM all about.

Unlike the migrant workers in the dorms, we citizens and other residents here are still able to move about with some freedom in little red dot.  Whereas the migrant workers are held up mainly in their confines of their dorms after work.  So, let us think about FREEDOM.

Christmas is just 3 days away.
Christ was born some 2020 years ago.  Why?
Have you ever wondered why?
And that only about 33 years later, Christ was hung on the cross.  He died.
But on the 3rd day, He rose again.
Yep.  He did not die!

Galatians 5:1 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery"

Covid may have created some chaos in our routine.  But let us not be enslaved by it.

We remember Christ -The reason for this season.

To those who knows Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour, what is C19?
We may have suffered some physical movement control.
But in our spirit - we have FREEDOM!
Yeah Yeah!

So happy to receive these bottles of HONEY from the church.  Yah...we have been involved in the meal delivery service to some of the rental units for the past 6-7 years now.  Sometimes, giving and giving as volunteers can be tiring.  We need to watch eagles sometimes ! Is 40..not to grow weary! LOL.

So for this month to receive a love gift can be refreshing.

I love HONEY!

And God's Word is liken to HONEY from the honeycomb.  It is sweet!

Honey is  luxury and a delicacy, a product of the Promised Land that showed GOd's abundance for his people.

Indeed, a good reminder as the year 2020 closes in a weeks' time - to continue to savor the honey - God's Word in 2021!

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