Monday, January 4, 2021

20210104_ Walking in the Sunshine! Yeah !

The gift of a new hat for 2021 from sister in law!
And yeah! 4/1/21 - Finally the 2-day incessant rain stopped today!

Oh what a wet new year 2021! It rained and rained for over 2 days!
Flooded many areas in Red Dot.
Caused landslides in several areas.
Uprooted our Heritage tree at Fort Canning!

So heard this very old 1986 chinese song over the FM radio 95.8 2 days ago.
Thought it was so appropriate to learn this song again!
So with my keyboard, guitar and my bottle of green beans....
I did this jolly happy song recording!



走在阳光里  身边有个你 你说 好喜欢  这样的天气  能在一起
写在日记里  心里好想你 如果 下著雨  也要等着你 喔~喔~

曾经  一切不在意  的阳光和小雨 为什么不能  再继续美丽
阳光和小雨  都再也不熟悉 只是一张张  飘落的日历

走在阳光里 走在小雨里 偶然 我会想起  从前的天气


I love the cool weather. 22 degrees is great!
But it rained so hard that I had to stay indoors!
After those 2 days - finally I missed the sunshine!!!!

Enough of the raindrops? U Bet! LOL !
Longing to see a rainbow ? LOL

Singing this happy sunshine and rain song reminded me of those worship songs i sang in the past!

The Son Shines indeed! 
It is good to praise the Lord!

Remembering Matt 28. 3 days after Jesus Crucifixion, He met the disciples in Galilee 
V20 " I'll be with you as you do this, day after day, right to the end of age"

What an awesome promise!

走在阳光里  身边有个你
如果 下著雨  也要等着你


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