Friday, January 8, 2021

20210108- ECC 3 To Everything there is a Season : Walking down Memory Lane of Hall of Balls

Walking down Memory Lane of Hall of Balls

The wise King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiates 3:1
 "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven"

So came this very first week into the new year of 2021, I decided to look back into my memory lane of the ball games that had "evolved" over the last 17 years!
Wrote this poem reflecting how time passed in a twinkle of an eye
and how the rackets, paddles and balls got SMALLER as years passed by.

There is a time for every activity under the sun
I am greatly inspired to play on beyond 2020 with more fun!
From the 30s to the 40s to the 50s
From the big tennis racket to the medium pickleball and a smaller ping pong paddle
Enter 2021 despite the COVID19 and the smaller number of players we had to settle
I vow to continue to be yellow or white ball chaser
To keep myself healthy-together with all the fellow ball pacers!

The year 2004 while in my 30s was the kick start of the tennis sports
Many wondered why I went to such a court?
Simply because of a rude awakening of a critical illness that my beloved got.

Young men and women we hosted learnt this great outdoor tennis sport
Years went by and one by one each marriages were sealed on the court
Thereafter many ball boys and girls in subsequent years came on board.

Chasing this yellow ball went on and on for more than ten score two
Then came 2017, the tennis was brought to the table too 
So added to this little yellow ball was a another smaller white one too! So cool!

As time went by in 2019, the almost retirement age of 55 soon arrived
A new found sports called the Pickleball was discovered by surprise!
From young players in a bigger court to that of older ones in smaller court
The tik and tok & ping and pong of the sounds of balls still fiercely fought
Who would have imagined that the 60s, 70s 80s and and even a 90 year old can still sport?
Oh what an inspiration to me as I watched the oldies -some hobbled, some still jog
And what great joy to see them serve-  as a reminder that age is just a number and 
"Nothing is impossible" with God.

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Stay Healthy!
Keep the Sports!
Be actively Engage in whatever sorts!


Outdoor Pickleball at Tanglin Halt

Farewell Ping Pong with Zhu on 6/1/21

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