Friday, April 28, 2023

20230423- Stonehenge, Oak Trees & Cherry Blossoms!

 Visited this Neolithic place! More than 4000 years !

The Cherry blossoms in bloom in April!
Last only a month!
Playing with Louie the cat   Supposedly which has 9 lives. lol!
After seeing him drink from this tap? I had second thoughts of getting the water from here! 
He is just TOO PLAYFUL! Gosh!

Went to Richmond Park and was
Told there was an old OAK tree! More than 750 years old!


Stones at Stonehenge survived more
Than 4000 years
The oak tree at Richmond 750 years?
And the Cherry Blossoms along staverly road cannot last more than a month!

We, mere man, cannot last even more than 100 years!

Looking at Moses who wrote the Psalms 90!

 Before the mountains were born, God was. 

God , you brought forth the earth and the world, the Stonehenge and all

From everlasting to everlasting- You are God!

We mere man cannot last forever, our days 80 years of we have the strength. 

You turn men back to dust!

You reminded me to teach me to number my days aright so that I may gain a heart of wisdom. 

I pray that you satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love !

That I may sing for joy and be glad all of my days!

Amen! Amen! Amen!


The video of the Stonehenge oak and cherry thots!

20230420 - Brighton!

20/4/23- the Royal Pavillon or Brighton Pavillon

Taking Qatar, had a good glimpse of Doha from above. 
Arriving at Heathrow , had a awesome sunset view of planes taking off while waiting to disembak. 

Our first time staying in such an expensive hotel in our whole life! So guess we tested their “fire” alarm to make it a memorable stay! 😂 

London is ex place. The MRT from our Chiswick hotel to Victoria station cost 3.8 pound! Only half hour journey! The train from Victoria station to Brighton cost 38 pound ( 2 way return) for an hour !

UK- Very English place indeed. All the kings , queens and maids! Tarts known as Maids of Honour. 

Decided to take this day trip to Brighton.  Embedded the song “Bright Eyes” in memory of late BIL. Guess because of the “Bright” on. One of the top 1978 Brit songs by Art Garfunkel.  Interestingly , I just came to know that it was a song for an animated rabbit movie! About rabbits! 😂 

Visiting the Brighton Pavilion or the Royal Pavilion was a worth it! For 18 pound. To appreciate this 200 year old palace- a Rojak of Indo- Islam-Chinese! Oh my! A bit weird well well….but inside was amazingly furnished! Gawk and awe! 😂 Prince of wales - who became King George iV. 

Brighton Pier was more like a kids wonderland. Nothing much. But I love that starling fellow. So this is that swarm of birds that did those formations.  Called murmurations.  Had to pose with it!

Ended up at Churchill Square witnessing a group of people sharing about Jesus Christ. Recorded them singing later!

A sweet ending to a Brighton day trip. 
Walked the whole day. Left 7:30am. Back 6:15pm. Shagged out ! Zzzzz



The Brighton Video!


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

20230418 - A scrapbook of love! Charlotte & John Walton

 My little niece showed me 2 scrap books which I did for her when she was only less than 6 years old. 

I was pretty shocked that these books were still

Kept intact by her late daddy in the cupboard. 

What amazed me what how meticulous her dad was In placing separator sheets of paper in between those with photos!

It was a joy to see old memories where 25 years had passed us by! 

During that time, all was done literally by cutting and pasting of the designs and photos. 

Today, there is no longer the hard copies but all mainly soft copies with digital designs done on the mobile or PC! Technology! What a change in 25 years!

Monday, April 24, 2023

20230423-Hey! I came to Wimbeldon


This is one of my bucket list!

To visit the renown Wimbledon Tennis Court in London!

Finally managed to take a peek at this place where I watched Federer, Nadal and Djokvic play!

Thursday, April 6, 2023

20230406- Muising over Golf appreciation & Studio Found!

6/4/23 - Golf appreciation 

 Hey! Found the Movie Studios in Iskandar Puteri today! After our SeK Pao Breakfast! Woohoo!


Decided to do this Golf Appreciation Video for non golfers! An encouragement to any who loves the green course - to take up a simple golf lesson ! Why? So that can walk on the beautiful golf course! Muahaha!

But…. Do this in JB ! Not Red Dot!

For obvious reasons! Lol

Watch and u will know!


And then…. End of the morning with a good healthy smoothie!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

20230401-Pickleball vs Philadelphia Friendships

Above the 2 bulls’ eye strike on 31/3/23 by the ladies!!!

It was raining heavily on this Friday 31/3. We were prepared to go for the golf driving range. But alas the rains and winds were just too strong!

So what did we do?
Off to the XPark archery we went! For some, it was a new experience! For 12’arrows we paid RM15 for some cheap thrill! Lol! 

The concentric circles of the board reminded me of the different levels of relationships or friendships at the end of the day. 

Simple because of my previous blog yesterday on the shock and awe at Hard Rock Cafe Puteri Harbor. 

1. Friendships come in circles!
Black outermost - just acquaintances perhaps 
Blue ring - basic level friendships?
Red ring - warm friendships
The Yellow bull’s eye - the highest form of friendship which is most intimate and philadephia!

2. Time is the best evaluator of friendships!

3. The Ps factor!
The truth of the matter is - what friendship is all about when one weighs the objective - the passion or love factor. 
Pickleball (PB) play has just taught me a very valid lesson regarding this. 
Some people may place PB value more
Than the philadephia value that they are willing to let
Go of a friendship.  Simply because PB game holds more weight than the social friendship P factor!

So, we were kicked out of as PB interest group which we actually co started. ( some 8 Mths ago) But unfortunately another P came our way. It was Poaching! 

Poaching strained the ball game dynamics. This was was just a strategy in doubles partners game. But unfortunately a big tension rift was created without the other party knowing.  At least an open chance to talk about the dislike and stress which  was not granted as a platform. 

Guess grace was not gracious enough?

We have to respect the host who books the court. 
We have to learn to bow out since playing became “joyless” for some.  
Perhaps it was our bad. 
But how in the world were we not informed ? 
The red card was flashed via voice messages. It was not even over a cup of coffee or tea. Lol. 
It was arrowed out of the blue in the evening Interesting when the aggrieved party was even invited to the Hard Rock. Naive as we may be, our expensive cakes were presented in the morning without even the slightest Hint of a storm looming sinisterly few hours later! Lol. 

Where was grace O grace? Where
Thou sting?
Knowing that we were entertaining few Guest that night?
TNT? Dynamite nite!

Pickleball exploded overnight. 
Conquered over Philadephia! lol 

T ? Was it timely to release the voice messages ?
N? necessary ( yes definitely! A good discussion required and to facilate doubles partners play
T? Was it the truth? ( Poaching is real but it is NOT a rule to the game! It is a strategy! Not a rule leh!that is truth!)

So by right? One Shd be calm to hv the right 3 ticks before the release. Well well. Only one tick was fulfilled. So TNT- it exploded. Lol. 

Interesting. In my previous profession as a credit loans personnel setting loan conditions, we have often been told to set only conditions that are quantifiable and able to be fulfilled. Only then is the condition is well set. 

However , setting a condition to allow a player to ensure they will not poach a ball in court is simply crazy or ridiculous!
In the court , anything can happen! Tio bo? lol. 
That is sports! The element of surprises! The dynamics of play and players are so varied! That is why we love watching 11 men chasing after a ball or 2 men or 4 persons on a court! The drives ! The lob! the volley ! The drop shots ! The crazy angles of the ball projection! How to ensure one not to do any of these on court? U tell me! Lol

A lacking of understanding of rules and strategies. Ignorance. 

When we play in court , we acknowledged we play at our own risk. Simply because injuries caused by unintentional swing of rackets or paddles do happen. It still does happen for even the professional players. Especially in doubles. 

What is needed is this. It. is the partners mutual understanding. Playing together to formulate a good strategy on court. Full stop. 

So this recent 313 incident gave me lots of enlightening thots. Especially regarding friendships. 

Pickleball is highly political? You bet too!
It can make or break a friendship 

Sad to say, the P of philadephia was swallowed up by the P of pickleball! Heh heh! Leading to a Divorce in partnership! Got to break it off! Ha ha ha. 

So with love we part. Not in poor sickness or health. 
But in different perspective of how the players play! Ouch!

Putting the 313 incident aside, I had a good reunion with some friends who came over to JB that Friday and Saturday morning. Celebrating another 70th birthday!

This PB relationship is only 8 Mths old. 
It will never be able to hold a candle to the 50 year old school mate friendships! Ooh ooh ooh!

Cheers! Had a bombastic celebration and fun with them!

Videos here!

Monday, April 3, 2023

20230323- A shocking 313 Incident

If Xiao Zhan had a difficult 227 incident back in 2020, perhaps I had my own shock and awe 313 Incident In 2023! Muahaha!

SHOCK #1 :

At about 9:30pm on 31/3/23, while I was at Hard Rock with some 3 guests , I had a shocking incoming 5 WA voice messages!

They came in fast and furious  I was caught pants down   

Lost my unsual cool head of mind as it went on a tilt Al melt down as if Fukushima had another M8 earthquake leading to a total meltdown   LoL  

It was really a shock and awe moment  

But those funny guests thot something happened to the family  Charles was a Caleb sent to spy on us outside Hard Rock cafe which I had a hearty laugh over later upon finding out their intent! They were concerned! Sent a spy!

That night, I had my shortest sleep ever in my entire 58 year old life span  lol  Apart from 2003 incident where a major health news broke on John , I am quite a sleeping beauty? Lol

But that night , we tossed , talked , turned in bed  lol!

SHOCK # 2|

Then the next morning , had a another shock and awed moment ! While we were reversing the car out , I was to happy singing “ 1 am a little bird” as they rest were

Too we’re singing aloud, the auto gate sensor was hit! And the gates closed on the car as it was in the midst of getting out!

Oh gosh! 

The gates CLIPPed our car!

I was stoned! Thank God for KP and MH who jumped

Out and they each held back the gates on both sides as john slowly Managed to drive the car out safely! 

I was scared  thot that John would be scolding me for being careless and getting the car scratched ! On BOTH  sides !!!! 

The worst fear happened  one of the side gates refused

To be closed thereafter! Oops!

But the good news was the car only has a tiny scratch at

The door handle  The other side was unscathed   And John was so nice and cool  

Because we were on the way to meet sole other friends

For breaky, we decided to proceed for makan first while john called for the gate repair man to come  

11 am wAs the scheduled gate repair appointment 

So while the rest were still at breaky , we

Came home first to receive the gate man  


Guess what? We tried the sensor? And behold! Oh what a beautiful sight! The stuck gate closed nicely! So we tested   Open  close  open close! Bravo!!!!

The poor auto gate man who was already on the way from Perling was almost arriving! We felt so bad  so we wanted to wait further for him to pay him the token of the transport fee   But he was so nice and told us it was ok!  He turned back   !

So this was the beautiful scene!!!

Then , we thank God for this non repair!

It was a miracle! Indeed  

Cos we had 7 guests with us  that morning 

Despite this little incident, all was well later! PTL!


Reflections of 313:  

I guest we were kind of being made

A fool by some new acquaintances on April Fool

Eve  is 31/3/23    That was why I call

It a 313 memorable incident  

Many lessons to learn and take home that night  

Many thanks giving to the Lord at the same time  

Guess some relationships Come

And go like the flirting of the winds against one’s

Face   Being slapped even without knowing it  Unseen

Stabs behind the back even without feeling it! Sotong!

Only after the roar of the THUNDER    Lightning struck! BOOM   BOOM  BOOM BOOM BOOM! 5 strikes    The jolt out of the blue!

The innocent us    Lol

But thank God , the 5 little

Cakes in 2 boxes were a

Testimony to our childlikeness  

The 2 boxes in the morning of 31/3/23 was not


Premonition of what is to come in the evening  

Most unexpected  

But as I now think back…..

It was Perhaps God’s way of assuring me  

“It is Ok!  It will be ok! No lost no lost”

That was a lovely most expensive ( but indeed very nice in art

Decor and unique taste ) cake we

Ever ordered to support a friend’s son but it was

Worth a parting gifts to a short lived friendship over a game of pickleball  ! What is a 8 or 6 mth only friendship? Didn’t pass the basic test! Lol

We shall Continue to Pickle with our red


Friends perhaps  JB PB time is over! No more poaching!

But with this cakes @ $8 a piece

Costing $40 a box….we bid sayonara to the Sakura blooms of April! 

Show u the Expensive Cakes of Charity? Charity -

Is love   Here

Is the love… lol!

The 5 flavours were:-encompassing  the 3 tastes -

Sour - Sweet - Bitter…..

Indeed there fully represent my 313 incident emotions. 

Our guest friends first reaction to this: was it

An April Joke? Lol. 

I really wished it was actually. 

But on the Eve as came upon me, unfortunately it was for real! Lol! 

I wished it was just a dream. But I had no nightmare

That night was it was a less

Than a 4 hour sleep! No time to mare about the night. My shortest sleep in my life ever? Perhaps. Lol

Pickleball. Hmm. It has its full Range of colours like a rainbow. It can bring pleasure. But now I am appreciating another P. It is call Pain. Lol. 

Guess this is life. It ought to give us the ups and downs. Life cannot be up up up all the time ? Too bio?

Like the Hokkien song - sometimes up. Sometimes Down. 

I thot at first that morning after was a “sway”. How come how come ?

How Come gate can squashed us liddat! So good a timing meh!

Got squeezed the night. And then got squashed in morning!

Making a lemonade out of Ah Mui ah?

April joke is it?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Still God is good , faithful and kind. 

He still repaired the gate for us that morning on behalf of the gateman. 

Jesus.  He is still my GATE!  Heh heh. 

So while I take some time to heal my little heart

Of disappointment , I am and will be ok! Actually I think after this journal I have recovered liao! Sending my thots to Him in writing  though I know He already knows anyway  lol  

2 Cor 4:8-10 I  am reminded!

“ 1 am hard pressed on every side, but not crushed , perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not abandoned ; struck down, but not dismayed. We always carry around our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in my body”

So glad to have Jesus. Though man may abandon us , like a kick out of a court , Jesus will not do so! I will

Always be in His court of Presence. Amen!

An ah q for ah Mui mui! 

A little 313 Muisings to myself! 


害人之心不可有, 防人之心不可无!

A potent reminder!

Thank you Jesus my Gate opener! Yeah!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...