Monday, July 3, 2023

20230702- The Rideoutgate Reflections [1 John ] : Idolising over a B&W bungalow?

Photo taken at the Van Gogh Immersive Exhibiton. June23

 The contrast in 1 John letter summary :

 Light vs Darkness, The new vs old commandment, Loving the Father vs loving the world, Christ vs anti-christ, Truth vs Lies, Children of God vs children of evil,  Eternal Life vs Eternal death, Love vs Hatred ,  True Teaching vs False Teaching, Love vs Fear, and Having Life vs Not having Life.

Just yesterday in church, a commitment call to ask the Lord to take away the thing which distracts us.  It was a sombre moment of silence in the auditorium for me as I pondered over that 'Idol".

A confession here.

My bible reading had been quite pathetic. Yes, the attraction of dramas on the little tablet had caused me some time away from the reading which I used to do.  No excuse for the bad eyesight.

So today, I started my back to reading of the Word.

I enjoyed the recent VG exhibition.  The above photo was captured in contrast of a human being on the bench. ( My sister!) against the backdrop of the burning flames against the silhouette of the late artist VG.

It was a CONTRAST! Hoo Hoo!

 The contrast in 1 John letter summary :

 Light vs Darkness, The new vs old commandment, Loving the Father vs loving the world, Christ vs anti-christ, Truth vs Lies, Children of God vs children of evil,  Eternal Life vs Eternal death, Love vs Hatred ,  True Teaching vs False Teaching, Love vs Fear, and 

Having Life vs Not having Life.

Today was also the Parliamentary hearing on the Ridoutgate saga.

The defense of not committing any wrong doing by the relevant investigating units. Came in fast and furious.

My reading of 1 John this evening.  Yes what a revelation of contrast. 

Rideout gate : a Test of the Letter and the spirit.  Truth and lies. 

The case of the Black and White Bungalows seemed to have become shades grey.  There can be different shades of black and white anyway. 


In my recent blog in "Chasing Vines" last month, a quote from the author Beth " When I get to the end of my life, I want to know that it meant something"

I love B&W colonial houses.  Cannot afford to live in one.

But simply love to gaze at them. Stately looking.

But I am reminded that we will have another mansion prepared for us in the heavenly kingdom as promised.

This was what John meant by his first paragraph concerning " the Word of Life" - that eternal life.  Not the temporal one.

Not against anyone renting or owning such a bungalow here in Red Dot.

But hearing and reading this proceedings made me a little sad.

So much investigation into such a case in defense.  

1 John3:10 " Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God"

1 John3:20 " For God is greater than our hearts and he knows everything"

1 John 1:8-9 " If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins"

Rideoutgate : only God knows.

The burning bush vs the burning hell below contrast!

A Rideoutgate reminder !

1 John 2:15-17" Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For everything in the world, the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does, comes not from the Father but from the world.  The world and the desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever"

Conclusion of Contrast?

Better not chase after a $26.5k per mth rental of an earthly B&W bungalow! Muahaha!

Works out to be S$318,000 p.a. for a 9350sq m place plus extended land of 13,814 sqm - contrast - Yes expensive for a mth rental of $26.5k for many commoners, but dirt cheap for such a big piece of land for the lessee! LOL

Another contrast?

Our basic cleaner pay is now about $1300pm. So now....just imagine 20 cleaners contributing to the economy at this mansion every mth! Muahaha

1john 5:21 " Dear xxx, keep yourselves from idols"

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