Saturday, July 15, 2023

20230715- About the Stones in 1 Pet 2


About 2 Sundays back in Church, we were
Asked to reflect on the thing that distracted us from God, and I must confessed - yes… my reading of the Bible had recently dwindled to a drop! No excuse for K or C-dramas! 😂 

It was a pretty somber reminder. So I decided to restart my engine. 

Few days ago into 1 Peter. Indeed
Being a Christian for more than 1/2 of 1/2 century now, chapter 1 Peter 2 brought some fresh insights. I have never really thought about these 3 stones! Was thinking and decided to put into a little Vlog for myself. 

And I pray that none of us would be that 4th stone- of unbelief. 

Good to put God in the center of our lives. He is the Living Stone. 
He is also the foundation - the chief cornerstone. 
He is also the Final stone - the capstone. 

Nothing to lose, right? Better to be in the light than in darkness. Better to receive mercy than not. Cos we man are never perfect. Only Jesus Christ is. He was the sacrificial lamb who bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. 
He is the alpha and the omega. He is the beginning cornerstone and ending capstone , the author and perfecter of our faith. 

Love this song that has this word Cornerstone in it.

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