Friday, February 5, 2010

2 Kings 1: The blind side: 50+1 Captainx3 = 153?

Three groups of 51 men were sent out. Total 153 men.
They were supposed to arrest Elijah. The first 2 groups were rude and they were devoured by the fire from heaven. But the captain of the last group interceded, fell on his knees and saved them from the fire.

Where else can we find 153 in the bible?
Well in JOhn 21:1-14 ; This figure was specifically mentioned , 153 fish caught. This event was after Jesus appeared to the disciples after the 3rd time after the resurrection. Unlike in Luke 5:4-7, in the beginning of Jesus ministry where he called the first 12 disciples, they too had a catch of fish- but it was just 'a great number of fish' without the actual number.

In Elijah's case facing King Ahaziah, we saw the man of God spoke and 2/3 of the 153 men perished. Only the last 1/3 was saved. Very similar to Zech 13:7-9 - the lord having to bring the 1/3 through the fire to refine as silver is refined and test them as gold as gold is tested (sounds like the Zarephath significance!). They will call on His Name and He will answer. He will say "This is My people and each one will say " The Lord is my God""

As children of God, we will be tested from time to time. How do we know about our salvation? Hey, only 1/3 will pass, 2/3 perish!

I watched Leigh Ann Toushy (played by Sandra Bullock) in the recent movie "The Blind Side" who cared for the traumatised Big Mic. She went all the way to find his mum who said of her " you are a fine christian lady" or something like that. But what Sandra replied was interesting : "I am just trying my best"

What struck me was the act of kindness shown. Her compassion towards this black boy walking in the freezing cold. So as Heb 6:10" God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. v11 We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure."

This chapter in 2 Kings 1 recorded about the 2/3 perishing. Heb 6 is about the warning of believers falling away. V9 talks about the things that accompany salvation.

Well, this movie left me with a deep impression about MAD: Making a difference in people's lives. Michael Oher was one of the rare black boys picked up by Sandra. Many of his so-called brothers died in gang fight in the end of the movie. What makes him alive and able to excel was due to just one woman and her family - the simple act of human kindness and compassion.

Yes, as what Sandra said, we should just be doing our best. That's love. Love for Him and love for others. A chain reaction of love that may save many others from the pit of hell.

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