Friday, February 19, 2010

2 Kings 3: Harp & A tale of 4 kings

A request from the 3 kings (Israel, Judah and Edom) seeking the advice from Elisha regarding fighting against Mesha King of Moab. The 3 kings' army ran out of water!

King Jeshoshaphat of Judah found favour with Elisha (who used to pour wateron the hands of Elijah). But what did Elisha do ? Interestingly, he called for a harpist ! Harpist played and the hand of the LORD came upon him. Prophesy came.

Sounds familiar right? God sends an evil spirit to torment Saul and his attendants suggest he send for David. Saul does so and makes David one of his armor-bearers and "whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him." 1 Sam 16:14-23

The soothing sounds of a harp. Amazing. God - the creator of the heavenly music.
After the music came the advice. Well a miracle unfolds - the ditches in the valley were filled with water miraculously. God created illusion effect on the water(to look like blood but not blood -sun rays!) to scare off the Moabites!

What can we learn from this story?
Come to the Father in the beauty of the tranquility of soothing harpist music. Hear. Seek. And He will answer and deliver us! He will - in ways beyond our imagination!

Note: I do play the guitar and now taking up keyboard lessons. While in the Uni guitar ensemble years ago, we played one of the most recognizable piece of classical music. Many different versions have emerged for this particular piece, from simple solo arrangement for the piano to more elaborate arrangements for different instruments. It has been used in various films like "Father of the Bride" and is a favorite choice for those who are tying the knot. What makes "Canon in D" so endearing is its simplicity. The chord progression (for the guitar it's Dmaj-Amaj-Bmin-F#min-Gmaj-Dmaj-Gmaj-Amaj) has been used in various songs. Pachelbel could never have envisioned, as he was writing "Canon in D" during the 1680's, that it will endure to this day. "Canon in D' continues to be a favorite of many music lovers and I believe it will remain so. Is Pachelbel a one-hit wonder? Well, even if you think he is, considering "Canon in D' is still appreciated more than 300 years since it was first written, perhaps Pachelbel wouldn't mind.

Just one hit! Just with this 8 chord progression repeated 54 times! ha Ha Ha! What a music! Anyway, now that I am into my 7month keyboard class, I just began to appreciate the theory of music even more. I think God is awesome! He is the beginning of it all. Just that we humans started to discover the notes in between only now. Scientist researched and came out with scientific theories for which man used them to tap into the technology we have today. Musicians explored and came out with the 7 note music and out of which came the heavenly sounds.

Indeed ol 1:17 He is before all things and in him all things hold together. (just like our little music notes that come together to make the heavenly music! You cannot see the sound waves, but they are expressed in heavenly notes through the various string instruments like guitar, harp, cello, violin or piano. V16 Indeed, for by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

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