Saturday, February 13, 2010

2 Kings 2 : From Bethel to Jericho to Jordan

After the 3 groups of 50 plus captain, Elisha pestered Elijah, refusing to let him go. 3 times, he told Elijah " as surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you"
So off they went to the 3 places : Bethel, Jericho and Jordan.
I am reminded of Peter's wanting to build a tabernacle for Jesus, Moses and Elijah at the transfiguration in Matt17:14. Peter's 3 times of denials of not knowing Jesus in John 18 and later his reinstatement by Jesus himself in John 21 where Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loves Him.
Likewise I sometimes wonder why Elijah needed to tarry with Elisha on 3 milestones places before he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire and horses of fire! Our life with the Lord is like a journey. We first come to the Lord in Bethel - the House of God. The Lord has to break us in Jericho- the Place of Fragrance. Then finally bringing us to Jordon - a place of memorial and experience of the miracle hand of the Lord in parting of the Jordon river for Joshua, Elijah and Elisha to walk over on dry land.
It was in Jordan river that Jesus was baptised.
It was in Jordon river that Namaan was healed of his leprosy.
It was only crossing the Jordan river that Elijah was taken up to heaven.
The believer's life is one a of process. There is no shortcut.

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