Sunday, January 9, 2011

20110109: Prov 8 Where mountain paths run

5/1/2011 - 13/1/2011 :Nagano Japan Ski @ Shiga Kogen

Prov 8:2" On the heights along the way. where the paths meet, she takes her stand"

Here visiting Nagano - the place where 1998 Winter Olympics was held, it snowed practically every day. Was on the ski slopes for 5 days and the mountains were big and had so many ski paths.

Who is that "she' who takes the stand where the paths meet?
Interesting. Its WISDOM. V23 She was appointed from eternity , from the beginning, before the world began...before the mountains were settle in place, before the hills, she was given birth.

Had always been fascinated by gorgeous mountains, intrigued by the wonder of snow and snow flakes. The Creator God who is wise. Ps14:1 "the fool says in his heart 'there is no God'". Someone said between the head and the heart is only about eighteen inches. Give the devil an inch and he will become a ruler.

A choice : Choose folly or wisdom?
Wisdom - God personified. v35" For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the LORD"
The fool did not say in his HEAD there is no God. It is in the heart that one finds Him.
Eccel3:11 "God has set eternity in the hearts of men..He has made everything beautiful in his time" Eternity has to do with the heart - not head once again.
So next time when you sense a hole in your heart, get it filled with the Eternal God - the Alpha and Omega. He is the Beginning and the End.


  1. It is too cold for me to appreciate it other than a photo. I cannot imagine being in such freezing temperatures. Snow looks best in fotos or from afar like on the mountain top I think.
    You are brave to go in winter!

  2. Hi Mui,

    Just enjoyed looking at the photos and reading the blog. As I do so I am looking out of the large window in from of me at the Rockies. The mountains and the snow are beautiful and temperature not too bad - dropped only as low -17° centigrade.

    You are wise to go in winter!


20141003 Eze38:23 Mui’s second composition! “That you will know He is God”

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