Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/1/2011: This is our Lord/ Nagano temple vs the Tabernacle

On 13/1/2011, we visited Zenkoji Temple in Nagano , Japan. Guess it was the only 'tourist' attraction in the city centre. 善光寺。 It has 1400 years of history. Typical Buddhist architecture from the mid Edo Period and is a National Treasure.

If you look at the map of this temple, you couldn't help drawing the parallel of our biblical tabernacle of worship as int he OT. Like our Tabernacle, there is the Gates, Inner Temple and the main hall where the principal image is enshrined inside the holy altar in the innermost temple. There is also purification fountain . In that sense, it is quite similar to our Tabernacle - where there is the gate, cleansing bowl, burnt offering in the outer court, then into the inner court (the lampstand and table) and then the Holy of Holies where the ark of convenant lies.

Well this place reminded me of theTabernacle indeed. This is our Lord in whom we worship. No longer in tabernacles or temples. For our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus Christ died on that day, the curtains in the temple were torn apart. We have the free access to Him in worship - wherever, whenever at anytime. I used to follow my late mum to such temples prior to my conversion. Am I not glad to give Him the worship in spirit and in truth - no longer in physical temples but rather from my innermost being. Praise God!

Love this song 'This is our Lord" In temples, we kneel before the altar. But here we fall on our knees before our Lord. His grace. His love. His sacrifice on the cross. By His blood we are cleansed. His presence in us . We are free to worship in spirit.

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