Sometimes I wonder why did the LORD ask Elijah to do such a thing of annointing after his run and escape from Ahab and Jezeebel? Who are these 3 persons mentioned in this annointing? 2 Kings 9
Elijah : Yahweh is God
Elisha: My God is salvation
Hazael King : God has seen
Jehu King : Yahweh is he
The story of Kings as recorded form 1 Samuel through to 2 Chronicles began with David - the greatest king in the new monarchy. Elijah and Elisha were prophets in this kingdom era around 1000BC. But after King David and King Solomon, the succession of kings were mainly unrighteous kings.
The book of 1 Kings and 2 Kings records the divided kingdom. The 12 tribes split with the Northern ten tribes under "ISRAEL' and the remaining 2 tribes under "JUDAH'. Judah was slightly better than Israel and so the kingdom lasted longer, about 400 years instead of Israel - 250 years.
"If you would be free to sail the seven seas, you must make yourself a slave of the compass" At creation, God created man with free will. But there was an instruction to obey in the Garden . Gen 2:16 "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die"
Throughout life, we are constantly making choices. Freedom comes with a price. But there are certain freedoms we can have, but they have corresponding consequences. So like what we see in this Kingdom Era of Elijah's time, the Kings of Israel wanted such total freedom - the freedom to ignore the directives God had given to them how to rule and wage war. Like most civilisation histories in the world, such a kingdom was very turbulent. When a righteous king rules, the nation would prosper. When an unrighteous king gained the throne, the nation would falter. Are we a slave to the right compass of our life?
Today, we may not have kings except in certain countries- like UK, Thailand etc. Our countries are run by mainly governments elected by the citizens for some but not in all countries.
Yesterday, someone I know shared about the 'fear' that in 2020, those who are born in 1960s would be 'old'. And here in S'pore, eversince we had the 2-child policy in the 1970s, our next generation may not be sufficient to 'take over' (in terms of numbers I suppose). Interesting thoughts indeed. This population issue is not unique here in S'pore - it is common throughout the world right now. Do you know that based on 2006 statistics : About 115,000 babies were aborted per day? and this was about 42 million a year? {Biblical history of infanticide : Ex 1:15 - moses time, Lev 18:21 Molech child sacrifice and Matt 2:16 King Herold}
But as I reflected on this verse in 1 Kings 19: 15 onwards, I am reminded that we serve a Sovereign God - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of the heaven and earth. He will prepare the annointings over the younger generation. He will reserve all those who would not bow down to any idol worship.
He did that for Joseph in Gen45:77 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance
He assured King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 19:30 Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above.
31 For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this"
Elijah had been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. But he was disheartened to be chased and sought after to be killed. Yet , God preserved his life for a purpose and time in this history making. His baton was passed on to Elisha - who experienced a greater double portion of annointing. Quote from my pastor " Let our floor be the ceiling of the next generation"
We pray that our children, nieces and nephews or grandchildren will experience Yahweh in greater measures than ever before. Because Yahweh is God, God is salvation - He is the "I AM". Yahweh is he.