Friday, January 8, 2010

1 Kings 18:1-15 Obadiah- servant worshipper

This Obadiah is not the same prophet mentioned in the OT book Obadiah.

There are about ten Obadiahs mentioned in the OT.
This Obadiah :-
  • in charge of Kind Ahab's palace
  • a devout believer
  • worshipped the LORD since his youth
  • as his name means " servant or worshipper of Yahweh"
  • brave and courageous man who hid 100 prophets in 2 caves
  • messenger used by Elijah to meet up with the king Ahab


Are we a too servant worshipper of Yahweh?

The chief aim of man is to love God and enjoy Him forever!” – Westminster Catechism

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