The widow at Zarephath said to Elijah in verse 24 "Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is truth"
Ever wondered how a man or a woman of God is like? James 5:16 -18"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for 3.5 years. Again he prayed and the heavens gave rain and the earth produced its crops"
The widow who Elijah was sent to wanted to die after making her last meal. She thought the food couldn't last. Yet Elijah spoke about God's promise of His supernatural supply of the jar of flour and jug of oil that would not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land.
Later, her son fell ill and died. Just as James 5:15 says of the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well, the LORD will raise him up. Elijah was such a man of great faith. The LORD heard his cry and so the boy's life returned to him and he lived!
We are righteous not because of what we had done but rather what the Lord did for us on the cross. With his blood, we are made righteous that no one should boast. We can be the Elijahs that God wants us to be.
Elijah left his cloak for Elisha as he was taken to heaven in the chariot of fire (2 Kings 2). Recently, I was at the Kopitiam coffeeshop having the usual morning breakfast when suddenly I noticed many patrons scrambled outside in a hurry upon seeing a Malay lady walking towards the coffeeshop. Were they frighten of that lady? No of course not. She was the parking attendant making her rounds of issuing the parking summons! Without her uniform, she is nobody -just like anyone of us. But as she took up her position in the authority conferred upon her in the white and blue uniform - she became the most feared woman of many man!
So may we all rise up to take up the cloak of Eljiah. May others see us just like the widow saw Elijah as the man of God. May our words that proceed from our mouth be always the declaration of truth that will set the blind see and captives free!
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