Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1 Kings 17:1 -5 Knowing Hearing & Obeying Him

This is the first mention of Elijah - a biblical prophet who lived in the 9th century in the kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Ahab & Quenn Jezebel (869 -850 BC) First Kings recorded the ending of King David and the raising up of King Solomon.

Little is known about Elijah's background as a Tishbite. However, as his name suggests "Yahweh is Salvation", Elijah is known as a defender of God and a forerunner of the Messiah.

1 Kings 17:1 " whom I serve"
1 Kings 17:2 " Word of the Lord came "
1 Kings 17:5 "did what the Lord told him"

Clearly from the above, central lessons we need to know as we begin this new 2010 : It is all about Him - knowing Him, Hearing Him and Obeying Him.

Jesus is the Redeemer who lives as declared by Elijah. He is personal to Elijah as he heard from Him regarding the directions he should go. He is also a provider as He promised the ravens to feed him there. And Elijah acted. He simply obeyed.

Simple instructions requiring simple obedience for us to witness the miracle of the supernatural provision of our Lord, Jehovah Jireh. Just as Moses was provided with manna in the desert, Elijah was personally fed by birds!

What is it that we need in this 2010? Provisions for the business? Financial needs? 2009 saw the financial collapse of many financial institutions in the USA. Many business went bust and retrenchment was high. Many became jobless. With many companies going for 4 -day week to save the job costs, may we indeed take this time to take stock of our life as we begin to slow down - to really know Him and to hear His small still voice.

If the Lord is able to send the ravens to feed Elijah with bread and meat, how much more should we not rest and trust in Him who is able to provide more than enough for us - His beloved children.


  1. Greats verses for a new beginning mother hen. lol

  2. Hi Mui Chow,
    Great thoughts - I love the idea of this blog. Do keep writing and feeding me with good material.
    By the way, did you know that Cherith means "place of cutting" and Zarepath means "a place of polishing." Interesting!
    lol Michael

  3. Hee Hee
    This is new to me. Cherith - KJV but Kerith is NIV. Thanks for making me dig into HIs treasure again. Iron sharpens iron!~Mui


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