Friday, January 22, 2010

1Kings 19:8 40D40N trek to Horeb Mountain - A desert Experience

After Beersheba's rest and being fed by an angel twice, Elijah was led to a journey 40 day and 40 night until he reached Horeb - the mountain of God.

"Hor" is mountain and "Horeb" is actually desert.

Interestingly, this is the same mountain where Moses met with God in Ex 3: 1 -22 in the burning bush. It was also a mountain of convenant. (Deut 29:1)

Like Moses, Elijah had to go through a period of running away from someone ( Pharoah and King Ahab respectively) and go through the desert. So this in not uncommon to man. Most of us have had such experiences.

We thank God that He himself led us through all these so that He will speak to us personally at His Holy mountain.

Elijah heard Him speak later.
Would we take that journey to this mountain of God? It may take us 40 days 40 nights or whatever the timeline that God has set for us. But it is worth it. Because it is only then we meet Him face to face.

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